nalipaz / lando-acquia-multisite-recipe

A recipe for Lando to replicate an Acquia multisite install
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Lando Acquia Recipe with Multisite Support

This recipe with the included files can be used to create a multisite lando installation that supports the lando pull command.

Below is a list of all the files included in this repo, files within the tree below are marked as how they need to be added to your project.

How to add to project
Add to project
Edit file
Merge changes into existing file
Ignore file
├── .landoᵃ
│   ├── acquia-pull.shᵃ
│   ├── database-generation.shᵃ
│   └── multisite.envᵃᵉ
├── .lando.ymlᵃᵐ
├── README.mdⁱ
├── docroot
│   └── sites
│       ├── site1
│       │   ├── settings.lando.phpᵃᵉ
│       │   └── settings.phpᵐ
│       ├── site2
│       │   ├── settings.lando.phpᵃᵉ
│       │   └── settings.phpᵐ
│       ├── sites.lando.phpᵃᵉ
│       └── sites.phpᵐ
└── drush
    └── sites

One gotcha that should be noted. The fork in this repo does not account for a default site when running database pulls. This was for simplicity when dealing with a multisite. If you have a default site/database you should move it to a name that matches throughout your application, database/sub-directory/drush-alias.