namast-ai / RESTaurant-client

Restaurant inventory application (HTML, CSS JavaScript)
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This restaurant inventory application was designed and coded by Adam Caplan, Jeremy Denton, Merritt Blanks, and Oliver Sablove, as part of a project for General Assembly.

The app is designed to provide an easy way for restaurants to track their inventory.


Sign up with an email address and password, and then sign in to begin using the app!

To edit password: click on the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the main screen, and select "Change Password". To sign out: click on the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the main screen, and select "Sign Out".

To create a new item: click on the "+" button at the bottom of the main page, and complete the form by adding name, quantity, price, and threshold of the item. Threshold is the amount at which item quantity reaches danger level. Any quantity at or below the danger level is represented by a red reorder status; warning zone (between threshold and 150% of threshold) is represented by a yellow reorder status; quantities above 150% of threshold hav a green reorder status.

To update an item: click on the pencil icon to the right of the item you want to edit. Enter the information you want to update, then click submit.

To delete an item: click on the trash can icon to the right of the item you want to delete, and then confirm that you want to delete it.

To search for an item: enter all or part of the item name in the search bar at the top of the page then click on the maginfying glass icon. To see all items, delete anything you may have typed into the search bar (so it is empty) then click on the maginfying glass icon.

Relevant Links

Frontend deployed: Backend repo: Backend deployed:

Technologies Used


User Stories

Development process

This app was prepared in three business days, with some final touches added in the two days that followed. Our team worked together to create a vision for this project, including wireframes and an ERB. We created a GitHub profile, and used Git and ZenHub to organize and manage workflow. The actual coding of the project was a combination of individual efforts, pair programming, and mob programming. Our team implemented a series of 2-4 hour sprints to achieve specific goals. We checked in regularly, and met for modified versions of a scrum twice daily.

Future Directions

Future versions of this application could include:
