namecheap / node-vault-client

A Vault Client implemented in pure javascript for HashiCorp Vault
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 21 forks source link

Node.js Vault Client

npm npm

A Vault Client implemented in pure javascript for HashiCorp Vault. It supports variety of Auth Backends and performs lease renewal for issued auth token.


npm install --save node-vault-client


const VaultClient = require('node-vault-client');

const vaultClient = VaultClient.boot('main', {
    api: { url: '' },
    auth: { 
        type: 'appRole', // or 'token', 'iam'
        config: { role_id: '637c065f-c644-5e12-d3d1-e9fa4363af61' } 
});'secret/tst').then(v => {
}).catch(e => console.error(e));

Supported Auth Backends



new VaultClient(options)

Client constructor function.

Param Type Default Description
options Object
options.api Object
options.api.url String the url of the vault server
[options.api.apiVersion] String v1
options.auth Object
options.auth.type String
options.auth.config Object auth configuration variables
options.logger Object false Logger that supports "error", "info", "warn", "trace", "debug" methods. Uses console by default. Pass false to disable logging.


Populates Vault's values to NPM "config" module

Kind: instance method of VaultClient ⇒ Promise.<Lease>

Read secret from Vault

Kind: instance method of VaultClient

Param Type Description
path string path to the secret

vaultClient.list(path) ⇒ Promise.<Lease>

Retrieves secrets list

Kind: instance method of VaultClient

Param Type Description
path string path to the secret

vaultClient.write(path, data) ⇒ Promise.<(T|never)>

Writes data to Vault

Kind: instance method of VaultClient

Param Type Description
path path used to write data
data object data to write

VaultClient.boot(name, [options]) ⇒

Boot an instance of Vault

The instance will be stored in a local hash. Calling Vault.boot multiple times with the same name will return the same instance.

Kind: static method of VaultClient
Returns: Vault

Param Type Description
name String Vault instance name
[options] Object options for Vault#constructor.

VaultClient.get(name) ⇒

Get an instance of Vault

The instance will be stored in a local hash. Calling Vault.pop multiple times with the same name will return the same instance.

Kind: static method of VaultClient
Returns: Vault

Param Type Description
name String Vault instance name


Clear named Vault instance

If no name passed all named instances will be cleared.

Kind: static method of VaultClient

Param Type Description
[name] String Vault instance name, all instances will be cleared if no name were passed