Chief-of-state (COS) is an Open Source clustered persistence tool for building event sourced applications. COS supports CQRS and event-sourcing through simple, language-agnostic interfaces via gRPC, and it allows developers to describe their schema with Protobuf. Under the hood, COS leverages Akka to scale out and guarantee performant, reliable persistence.
Chief-of-state was built by Namely with the following principles:
Developers implement two gRPC interfaces: a write handler for building state and, optionally, many read handlers for reacting to state changes.
The main entry point of a chief-of-state based application is the Service. Developers will interact with chief of state via:
is used by the application to send commands to process via Write Handler.GetState
is used by the application to retrieve the current state of a persistent entityDevelopers describe state mutations by implementing two RPC’s in the WriteSideHandlerService:
accepts a command and the prior state of an entity and returns an Event. For example, given a command
to UpdateUserEmail and a User, this RPC might return UserEmailUpdated.HandleEvent
accepts an event and the prior state of an entity and returns a new state. For example, given a
UserEmailUpdated event and a User, this RPC would return a new User instance with the email updated.In response to state mutations, COS is able to send changes to many ReadSideHandlerService implementations, which may take any action. COS guarantees at-least-once delivery of events and resulting state to each read side in the order they were persisted.
Some potential read side handlers might:
The following docs are available:
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Contributions are welcome!
The project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Conventional Commits. If you see an issue that you'd like to see fixed, the best way to make it happen is to help out by submitting a pull request implementing it. To test your implementation locally follow the steps below:
# install earthly cli
brew install earthly/earthly/earthly (for mac users)
# locally build the image
earthly +build-image
# run tests
earthly -P --no-output +test-local