namit-chandwani / nestjs-apollo-mongodb-backend

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Graphback NestJS + Apollo Server with MongoDB Template

NOTE: This is a preview template - we are continuing to enhance it - we welcome your feedback.

A template that provides you with an easy setup for your application's backend using NestJS and Apollo server with TypeScript, and MongoDB as the database.

Quickstart Guide

The project has been created using Graphback. Run the project using the following steps:

  1. Install dependencies

    yarn install

    Or, if using npm:

    npm install
  2. Inspect your schema in the datamodel.graphql file.

  3. Start the server in:

    • watch mode

      yarn start:dev
    • development mode

      yarn start
    • production mode

      yarn start:prod

    If you're using npm, just replace yarn with npm run.

For more on customizing your Graphback application, check out the docs

Updating the business model

The model folder contains a GraphQL schema file named datamodel.graphql defining your business model. This file can be edited to suit your needs.

After you have made changes to this file, it is necessary to regenerate the Graphback API by restarting the server (ie. reimplementing Step 3 of the Quickstart Guide mentioned above).

After restarting the server, the Graphback API will be regenerated and your latest changes will be reflected in the schema.

Dependencies and Tools

The following tools and technologies have been used to create this template: