namjaejeon / ksmbd

ksmbd kernel server(SMB/CIFS server)
280 stars 63 forks source link
cifs file-server filesystem in-kernel linux network network-file-system performance rdma server smb smb3


What is KSMBD?

KSMBD is an opensource In-kernel CIFS/SMB3 server created by Namjae Jeon for Linux Kernel. It's an implementation of SMB/CIFS protocol in kernel space for sharing files and IPC services over network. Initially the target is to provide improved file I/O performances, but the bigger goal is to have some new features which are much easier to develop and maintain inside the kernel and expose the layers fully. Directions can be attributed to sections where SAMBA is moving to few modules inside the kernel to have features like RDMA(Remote direct memory access) to work with actual performance gain.

Under PFIF

This code was developed in participation with the Protocol Freedom Information Foundation.

Please see


The development git tree is available at


Bug reports or contribution

For reporting bugs and sending patches, please send the patches to the following mail address:

or open issues/send PRs to KSMBD.

Installing as a stand-alone module

Install prerequisite package for Fedora, RHEL:

    yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

Build step:

    sudo make install

To load the driver manually, run this as root:

    modprobe ksmbd

Installing as a part of the kernel

  1. Let's take [linux] as the path to your kernel source dir.

    cd [linux]
    cp -ar ksmbd [linux]/fs/
  2. edit [linux]/fs/Kconfig

    source "fs/cifs/Kconfig"
    +source "fs/ksmbd/Kconfig"
    source "fs/coda/Kconfig"
  3. edit [linux]/fs/Makefile

    obj-$(CONFIG_CIFS)              += cifs/
    +obj-$(CONFIG_SMB_SERVER)       += ksmbd/
    obj-$(CONFIG_HPFS_FS)           += hpfs/
  4. make menuconfig and set ksmbd

    [*] Network File Systems  --->
        <M>   SMB server support

build your kernel



  1. SMB1(CIFS), SMB2/3 protocols for basic file sharing
  2. Dynamic crediting
  3. Compound requests
  4. oplock/lease
  5. Large MTU
  6. NTLM/NTLMv2
  7. Auto negotiation
  8. HMAC-SHA256 Signing
  9. Secure negotiate
  10. Signing Update
  11. Pre-authentication integrity(SMB 3.1.1)
  12. SMB3 encryption(CCM, GCM)
  13. SMB direct(RDMA)
  14. Win-ACL
  15. Kerberos
  16. Multi-channel


  1. Durable handle v1/v2
  2. Persistent handles
  3. Directory lease

Supported Linux Kernel Versions

KSMBD architecture

               |--- ...
       --------|--- ksmbd/3 - Client 3
       |-------|--- ksmbd/2 - Client 2
       |       |         _____________________________________________________
       |       |        |- Client 1                                           |
<--- Socket ---|--- ksmbd/1   <<= Authentication : NTLM/NTLM2, Kerberos(TODO)|
       |       |      | |      <<= SMB : SMB1, SMB2, SMB2.1, SMB3, SMB3.0.2,  |
       |       |      | |                SMB3.1.1                             |
       |       |      | |_____________________________________________________|
       |       |      |
       |       |      |--- VFS --- Local Filesystem
       |       |
KERNEL |--- ksmbd/0(forker kthread)
USER           ||
               || communication using NETLINK
               ||  ______________________________________________
               || |                                              |
        ksmbd.mountd <<= DCE/RPC, WINREG                         |
               ^  |  <<= configure shares setting, user accounts |
               |  |______________________________________________|
               |------ smb.conf(config file)
               |------ ksmbdpwd.db(user account/password file)
  ksmbd.adduser ---------------|


  1. ksmbd vs samba performance comparison using iozone (Linux Client)

  2. ksmbd vs samba performance comparison using fileop (Linux Client)

  3. ksmbd vs samba performance comparison using CrystalDiskMark (Windows Client)
