nandolawson / Custom-Icons-for-TwiLight-Menu

A project to make emulated games more appealing on the home screen
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Custom Icons for TwiLight Menu++

A project to make emulated games more appealing on the home screen

# About the project This repository contains custom icons for emulated games used with [TwiLightMenu++]( The goal is to create custom icons for as many titles as possible to improve the user experience. ## Usage Just download the icons you want ([or all of them]( and copy them to your SD card to the path `sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras`. It is important that the icon has exactly the same name as the corresponding game plus the file extension `.png`. For example, the icon for `example.nes` should be named `example.nes.png`. ## Contributing Anyone who would like to contribute to this repository is very welcome to do so. There are only three requirements: 1. The icon must be compatible. All information about compatibility can be found [here]( 2. If an icon has a background, please make the corners transparent. This makes the icons a bit more pleasant to look at. 3. Please use the website [TinyPNG]( to reduce file size. ## Requests and bugs If you would like to have an icon for a game or anything looks weird, feel free to [open an issue]( ## License Distributed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal. See [LICENSE]( for more information.