nano-bio / labbooks

The repo holds our labbook software (currently used by VG).
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The repo holds our labbook software (currently used by CLUSTOF, TOFFY, TOFFY2).



Make sure that Node, npm, python and pip are installed:

node --version
# > v18.12
npm --version
# > 8.19
python --version
# > 3.9
pip --version
# > 22.3

Create a virtual environment for python somewhere on your computer where all packages are installed and activate it:

pip python3 -m venv labbooks-env

# On Windows, run:

# On Unix or MacOS, run:
source labbooks-env/bin/activate

Install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install

# creates database with required structure
python migrate --settings=labbooks.settings_local

# create a superuser (for you!, follow instructions)
python createsuperuser --settings=labbooks.settings_local


python runserver --settings=labbooks.settings_local

Build & Deploy

This project is build for using containers (think of them like virtual machines but lighter). These containers can be tested on your local machine and then copied to the server.

We are using a service with 3 containers:

Copy .smbcredentials.example to .smbcredentials and modify the file to your needs. Append

// /media/netshare cifs credentials=/srv/.smbcredentials  0 0

to the end of /etc/fstab. Install cifs-utils if needed.

Mount the netshare (see ).

Install Docker and Docker-Compose. Then, a simple

docker compose up -d

should do the job.
