The latest production version of this application is hosted on nanoHUB for public use:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment notes (below) for info on how to deploy the project on nanoHUB.
The code in the repository uses submoded fro mthe GSAImage and GSARaman repos. Be sure to use --recurse-submodules
when cloning:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
If already cloned:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
for more details on working with submodules.
$cd src
$python -m gresq
Install anaconda3 or miniconda3, then:
conda create --name gresq-3.6 python=3.6
conda env create -f <srcdir>/.conda/env_gresq_[osx|linux]_3.6.yml
conda activate env_gresq_[osx|linux]_3.6
From the repository root:
pip install ./gsaraman
pip install .
or for development:
pip install -e .
Additional prerequisites for testing are:
After installing, run the following from the repository root:
pytest -v
Note, to avoid broken DB tests:
pytest -v --ignore=test/database/models --ignore=test/util
Overview of deployment:
branch is tested on nanoHUB.gresq_testing
or gresq_development
NOT gresq_production
.The database migration process for a particular release should always be tested on the development database before attempting to migrate the production DB. For changes that require a migration, this should happen during step 2. above.
*Note: In some cases, the mirgration may require changes to the dumpped data in order to be compatable with the new schema. This should be handled case by case.
script to launch the application into your workspace. Note: we need a way to ensurte these test invocations of the tool do not run against the production DB.See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Copyright University of Illinois, 2018-2019.
Distributed under the terms of the APACHE2 license, GrResQ Dashboard is free and open source software.