napari / napari-animation

A napari plugin for making animations
76 stars 27 forks source link

Add animation to readme! #107

Closed sofroniewn closed 1 year ago

sofroniewn commented 3 years ago

@alisterburt I'd like to update the readme so it looks better on and includes a playable movie - see like what i did with and where I uploaded to movie to a dedicate github issue and then used to url from there to link too

alisterburt commented 2 years ago

@katherine-hutchings this could be a good one for you to take on to get used to collaborating on code with git/github

A general outline of what would be needed is 1) fork the repo and download it so you are working on a local copy (some notes) 2) setup your dev environment (new conda env, install necessary packages etc) 3) play with the animation plugin a bit in napari, try to understand how it works 4) make a nice animation using the plugin (maybe with this example data?) 5) upload the movie (.mp4) into this github issue 6) update the README of this project with a link to the movie (following the pull request workflow outlined in the notes above)

This is quite a lot of new stuff to take in so going through the process on something non-technical will hopefully be one less thing to think about - feel free to ping me here or on the napari zulip with any questions