napari / napari-animation

A napari plugin for making animations
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napari-animation is a plugin for making animations in napari.

Merlin Lange used napari-animation to create one of Nature's best science images for September 2022

This plugin is built on naparimovie from @guiwitz. naparimovie was submitted to napari in PR#851 before napari plugin infrastructure existed.


napari-animation provides a framework for the creation of animations in napari. The plugin contains:

This plugin remains under development and contributions are very welcome, please open an issue to discuss potential improvements.

You can read the documentation at



napari-animation is available through the Python package index and can be installed using pip.

pip install napari-animation
`napari-animation` uses `ffmpeg` to export animations. If you are using a macOS arm64 computer (Apple Silicon e.g. M1, M2 processor)
the PyPI package does not include the needed binary for your platform. You will need to install `ffmpeg` using
`conda` from the [conda-forge channel]( (`conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg`)
or using [`homebrew`]( (`brew install ffmpeg`).


napari-animation is also available for install using conda through the conda-forge channel.

conda install -c conda-forge napari-animation


You can clone this repository and install locally with

pip install -e .

Interactive use

napari-animation can be used interactively.

An animation is created by capturing keyframes containing the current viewer state.

To activate the GUI, select napari-animation: wizard from the plugins menu


napari-animation can also be run programatically, allowing for reproducible, scripted creation of animations.

from napari_animation import Animation

animation = Animation(viewer)

viewer.dims.ndisplay = 3 = (0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
animation.capture_keyframe() = 2.4
animation.capture_keyframe() = (-7.0, 15.7, 62.4)
animation.capture_keyframe(steps=60) = (2.0, -24.4, -36.7)
viewer.reset_view() = (0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
animation.animate('', canvas_only=False)


Examples can be found in our Examples gallery, generated from our example scripts. Simple examples for both interactive and headless use of the plugin follow.


Contributions are very welcome and a detailed contributing guide is coming soon. In the meantime, clone this repository and install it in editable mode using pip:

pip install -e .

We recommend using a virtual environment, for example conda.

Ensure you have a suitable Qt backend for napari! We recommend `PyQt5`.
For more information, see the napari [Qt backend installation guide](

To set up your development installation, clone this repository, navigate to the clone folder, and install napari-animation in editable mode using pip.

conda create -n nap-anim python=3.10
conda activate nap-anim
pip install -e ".[dev]" PyQt5

Tests are run with pytest. You can make sure your [dev] installation is working properly by running pytest . from within the repository.

We use [`pre-commit`]( to sort imports and lint with
[`ruff`]( and format code with
[`black`]( automatically prior to each commit.
To minmize test errors when submitting pull requests, please install `pre-commit`
in your environment as follows:

`pre-commit install`


The documentation is available at

The documentation for napari-animation is built with Sphinx and the napari Sphinx Theme.

Building docs locally

After installing the documentation dependencies with

pip install ".[doc]"

you can see a local version of the documentation by running

make docs

Open up the docs/_build/index.html file in your browser, and you'll see the home page of the docs being displayed.

Deploying docs

The napari-animation documentation is automatically built and deployed to the website whenever the main branch is updated, or a new release is tagged. This is controlled by the deploy_docs.yml github actions script.

You can also manually trigger a documenation re-build and deployment from the github actions tab.


Distributed under the terms of the BSD-3 license, napari-animation is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.