napari / napari-animation

A napari plugin for making animations
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citation for napari-animation #109

Open kevinyamauchi opened 2 years ago

kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

I think it would be nice if there were a zenodo or other DOI for napari-animation so we can cite it if we use it in publications.

alisterburt commented 2 years ago

Great idea, thanks for thinking of it! Will put it up on zenodo now

alisterburt commented 2 years ago

putting it up on zenodo requires having the account linked to github @neuromusic do you know whose zenodo account has the napari org linked? I know you've been zenodo-ing recently

alisterburt commented 2 years ago

Friendly ping @neuromusic

neuromusic commented 2 years ago

@alisterburt I have no idea... when I was working on the CITATION.cff stuff, I was just pulling from zenodo.

alisterburt commented 2 years ago

The plot thickens!