Neovim plugin for extracting JSX into a new React component.
Requires Neovim >= 0.7
)Use your preferred plugin manager, e.g. vim-plug.
Plug "napmn/react-extract.nvim"
It is recommended to have treesitter
and tsserver
for Neovim's built-in LSP installed to support all available features.
Run setup
function in your init.lua file:
Optionally you can provide a table of options to override the defaults:
-- Using setup function with default values
ts_type_property_template = "[INDENT][PROPERTY]: any\n",
ts_template_before =
.. "export const [COMPONENT_NAME]: React.FC<[COMPONENT_NAME]Props> = "
.. "([PROPERTIES]) => {\n"
.. "[INDENT]return (\n",
ts_template_after = "[INDENT])\n}",
js_template_before =
"export const [COMPONENT_NAME] = "
.. "([PROPERTIES]) => {\n"
.. "[INDENT]return (\n",
js_template_after = "[INDENT])\n}",
jsx_indent_level = 2,
use_class_props = false,
use_autoimport = true,
autoimport_defer_ms = 350,
local_extract_strategy = "BEFORE"
You can read more about available options and their meaning in the docs.
Example configurations (e.g. for class component) can be found in examples.
Map extract_to_new_file
/ extract_to_current_file
function to your preferred mapping, e.g.:
vim.keymap.set({ "v" }, "<Leader>re", require("react-extract").extract_to_new_file)
vim.keymap.set({ "v" }, "<Leader>rc", require("react-extract").extract_to_current_file)
For extracting first select part of JSX that you want to extract. Recommended way is using visual line mode.
:warning: Indent inconsistencies can occur while using visual character mode. :warning:
Then use your mapped key, enter path where the new component should be created (or enter name of the new component if extracting to current file) and that's it!
All PRs / Issues with possible enhancements or found bugs are welcomed and appreciated.