narenkram / steadfast-monorepo

The central code repository for the Steadfast 1-click option trading app (BankNifty, Nifty, Finnifty, MidcapNifty, NiftyMKT50, Sensex, Bankex, and Sensex50), managing shared components and setup scripts.
MIT License
33 stars 21 forks source link
bankex banknifty finnifty finvasia flattrade india midcpnifty nifty niftynxt50 options-trading sensex sensex50 shoonya trading-app

Project Overview

This repository is a monorepo containing three main projects:

  1. steadfast-app: The frontend application.
  2. steadfast-api: The backend API server.
  3. steadfast-websocket: The WebSocket service.

Quick Status (Updated: 10-09-2024)

Legend: 🟒 Available/Implemented 🟑 In Progress πŸ”΅ Planned ⚑ Requested by our users πŸ”΄ Not Currently Considered

Feature Status
Supported Brokers
Flattrade 🟒
Shoonya (Finvasia) 🟒
⚑ Other Brokers πŸ”΄
Trading Operations
Place Buy/Sell at market/limit orders 🟒
Cancel orders 🟒
Cancel selected orders πŸ”΅
Close all positions 🟒
Close selected positions 🟒
Select strikes 🟒
Modify open/pending order πŸ”΅
Basic Features
Automatic ATM strike selection 🟒
Selection Offsets 🟒
Live MTM / PNL by Amount & ROI Percentage 🟒
Target & Stoploss by Percentage/Amount 🟒
Trailing Stoploss πŸ”΄
⚑Underlying & Futures based Target & Stoploss πŸ”΅
Basket Orders 🟒
Ready Made Strategies 🟑
Key Features
One-click trading buttons 🟒
Kill switch (client-side) 🟒
Overtrade Protection 🟒
Trade Journal πŸ”΅
Paper Trading 🟑
Reports For IT Filing πŸ”΅
Real-Time Market Data
LTP for underlying 🟒
LTP for selected call/put strikes 🟒
LTP Range Bar 🟒


App Screenshots

Light Mode

Preview in Light Mode

Dark Mode

Preview in Dark Mode

App Settings

Preview in App Settings

LTP Range Bar

Preview in LTP Range Bar

One Click Trading Keys

Preview in One Click Trading

Add Broker

Preview in Add Broker

Manage Brokers

Preview in Manage Brokers

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Steps to run the app

Step 0: Prerequisites

Operating System: Windows 11

  1. Ensure Git is installed and accessible from the command line.
git --version
  1. Ensure Node.js v21.7.3 and npm v10.5.0 are installed and accessible from the command line.
node -v && npm -v
  1. Ensure Python is installed and accessible from the command line.
python -V

Step 1: Clone the Steadfast Monorepo

  1. Download & Install GitHub Desktop
  2. On top right of this repo click "Code" > "Open with GitHub Desktop"
  3. Choose a local path and click "Clone"
  4. Open the monorepo folder in file explorer.

Step 2: Install

Double-click the install-all.bat file or run it from the command prompt.

What it does:

  1. Clones the steadfast-app repository
  2. Installs app dependencies
  3. Clones the steadfast-api repository
  4. Installs API dependencies
  5. Clones the steadfast-websocket repository
  6. Installs WebSocket dependencies

Step 3: Start

Double-click the start-all.bat file or run it from the command prompt.

What it does:

  1. Starts the steadfast-app at localhost: 5173
  2. Starts the steadfast-api server at localhost: 3000
  3. Starts the flattrade-websocket server at localhost: 8765
  4. Starts the shoonya-websocket server at localhost: 8766

Step 4: Stop