nareshbhatia / proshop-nx

Sample shopping app using the Nx monorepo
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ProShop Nx

A sample eCommerce app to show best practices in web development using Nx.

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The ProShop app consists of two micro-apps (Catalog and Cart) sitting behind a Reverse Proxy. The reverse proxy accepts requests from external clients and depending on the request path, directs them to one of the two micro-apps. Thus, the two micro-apps give the appearance of a single cohesive web app.

The Catalog App displays the product catalog and allows the user to add products to the cart.

The Cart App displays the cart and allows the user to manage it, i.e. add, delete and update items. Once the user is happy with the cart, they can place an order. (Note that this is a very simplified checkout process - there is no provision for collecting shipping and/or payment information.)

Development Build

Clone a fresh copy of the repo:

git clone
cd proshop-nx

Create environment variables for local development. To do this, create a file at the root of your repo called .env.local and add the following variables to it.


Note: This file should not be checked into git. It is already added to .gitignore.

Now follow the steps below:

# For a better developer experience, install the Nx CLI globally
npm install -g nx

# Install workspace dependencies
npm install

# Run the web apps and the GraphQL back-end
nx run-many --target=serve --all

Open two tabs in your browser and point them to the following URLs:

  1. http://localhost:3001/catalog: Catalog app home page
  2. http://localhost:3002/cart: Cart app home page

Production Build

First, build your app for production:

nx run-many --target=build --all --configuration=production

Then run the app in production mode:

nx run-many --target=serve --all --configuration=production

Open two tabs in your browser and point them to the following URLs:

  1. http://localhost:3001/catalog: Catalog app home page
  2. http://localhost:3002/cart: Cart app home page

Running ProShop using Docker Compose

Note: If you have not installed Docker Desktop, install it now. See instructions here.

# Build docker images
docker build -f infrastructure/Dockerfile.api -t nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-api:1.0.0 .
docker build -f infrastructure/Dockerfile.catalog -t nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-catalog:1.0.0 .
docker build -f infrastructure/Dockerfile.cart -t nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-cart:1.0.0 .

# Verify that the images were created on the local machine
docker images -a

# Run images using Docker Compose
docker-compose -f infrastructure/docker-compose.yaml up --detach

Point your browser to the reverse proxy at http://localhost/catalog. You should be able to navigate from catalog to cart and back.

After testing, you can shut down Docker Compose using the command below:

docker-compose -f infrastructure/docker-compose.yaml down

If all this works push your images to Docker Hub

docker login -u nareshbhatia --password-stdin
docker push nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-api:1.0.0
docker push nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-catalog:1.0.0
docker push nareshbhatia/proshop-nx-cart:1.0.0

Running ProShop in a Kubernetes cluster

Note: This does not work currently.

Note: If you have not installed minikube, install it now. See instructions here. Also you should have installed Docker Desktop (see instructions above).

minikube start --driver docker
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/k8s-api-config.yaml # ConfigMap
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/k8s-api.yaml        # API deployment & service
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/k8s-catalog.yaml    # Catalog app deployment & service
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/k8s-cart.yaml       # Cart app deployment & service

You can now run apps inside minikube:

minikube service catalog-service # terminal 1
minikube service cart-service    # terminal 2

Note that the terminals need to remain open for the webapp to run. Control-C will stop the respective app.


Visit the Nx Documentation to learn more.