narodnik / math-notes

math notes under one roof
16 stars 4 forks source link

To render these PDFs, you will need pandoc. I recommend using my wrapper. Then you can simply run mdauto and it will auto-update when file changes are made.

Directory Title Author Status
pinter Abstract Algebra Charles Pinter Complete
jarvis Algebraic Number Theory Frazer Jarvis Complete (1-7, 9)
carrell Groups, Matrices and Vector Spaces James Carrell Complete (1-9)
silverman Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves Silverman Partial
hulek Elementary Algebraic Geometry Klaus Hulek Pause
garrity Algebraic Geometry Thomas Garrity Pause
royal-road A Royal Road to Algebraic Geometry Audun Holme Pause

Check the pdf directory for rendered PDFs.

Feel free to contact me: narodnik on Libera IRC in ##math