narsijangid / first-masai-code

it's my first project of masai
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Narsi Jangid's Portfolio Overview This is a personal portfolio website created to showcase my skills, projects, and contact information. As a Full Stack Developer in training at Masai School, this portfolio is designed to highlight my technical expertise and past work in web development.

The portfolio is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and features a simple, clean, and responsive design. It's a static website that anyone can view to get a better idea of my capabilities as a developer. alt text Features Responsive Design: The portfolio is designed to look good on all screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop). Skills Section: A list of my technical skills and technologies I'm proficient in. Projects Section: Detailed descriptions and links to some of my past projects. Contact Form: A simple contact form for visitors to get in touch with me. Footer: Copyright information and website details. Sections Home: A brief introduction about myself. Skills: A list of technologies I have experience with. Projects: A showcase of some of my recent projects with links to live demos or GitHub repositories. Contact: A form where visitors can leave their name, email, and message to reach me. Technologies Used HTML: Structuring the content of the portfolio. CSS: Styling and layout of the website. JavaScript: For potential interactivity and future improvements. How to View the Portfolio The website is deployed and can be viewed live at: [Portfolio Link] (replace with your portfolio link).

You can also set up the portfolio locally by following the steps below.

Local Setup Instructions If you'd like to run the portfolio locally on your machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository Use the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:

bash Copy code git clone

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory bash Copy code cd portfolio
  2. Open the index.html File Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the portfolio:

bash Copy code open index.html Alternatively, you can open the file manually by navigating to the project folder and opening index.html in any browser.

  1. Customize (Optional) Feel free to customize the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files according to your preferences. You can add new sections, update your projects, or change the styling.

Future Improvements Add Animations: Enhance the visual appeal with animations using CSS or JavaScript. Integrate a Backend: Add functionality to process the contact form and store messages. More Projects: Continuously update the project section as I work on new projects. Contact If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me through the contact form on my portfolio or reach me at:
