nasaharvest / presto

Lightweight, Pre-trained Transformers for Remote Sensing Timeseries
MIT License
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The Pretrained Remote Sensing Transformer (Presto)

This code accompanies our paper, Lightweight, Pre-trained Transformers for Remote Sensing Timeseries.

Environment Setup

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

wandb can additionally be installed for full functionality of the script.


Three entrypoints to the code are available:, and

In addition, a jupyter notebook is available demonstrating how Presto can be finetuned on different downstream tasks.

Finally, Presto can also be loaded directly from the python package. We also have included Presto contained in a single file (i.e. with no imports from elsewhere in the package) at, if you want to easily integrate it into a different application. We test that these models are equivalent:

# either import works. The single_file_presto has no load_pretrained function, since this
# requires knowing where the pretrained file is. The state dict can be loaded directly
# from data/
from single_file_presto import Presto
from presto import Presto

# to make a randomly initialized encoder-decoder model
encoder_decoder = Presto.construct()
# alternatively, the pre-trained model can also be loaded
encoder_decoder = Presto.load_pretrained()

# to isolate the encoder
encoder_only = encoder_decoder.encoder
# to add a linear transformation to the encoder's output for finetuning
finetuning_model = encoder_decoder.construct_finetuning_model(num_outputs=1, regression=True)

The default arguments to construct are the same as the default parameters described in default.json.

Presto expects the following values as input, and returns the following outputs:

reconstructed_x, reconstructed_dynamic_world = encoder_decoder(x, dynamic_world, latlons, mask, month)

globally_pooled_tokens = encoder(x, dynamic_world, latlons, mask, month, eval_task=True)

predictions = finetuning_model(x, dynamic_world, latlons, mask, month)

The number of timesteps passed is optional, and can be any value between 1 and 24 (2 years of data).

3 of the input tensors (x, dynamic_world, mask) can be generated using presto.construct_single_presto_input. An example of this is in the downstream task jupyter notebook. For example, if I have access to some RGB imagery, it can be turned into Presto-compatible inputs:

import presto
x, mask, dynamic_world = presto.construct_single_presto_input(
    s2=rgb_imagery,  # of shape [num_timesteps, 3]
    s2_bands=["B2", "B3", "B4"]

Here, x will contain only the (normalized) RGB values in the correct indices, and mask will communicate to Presto to ignore every other input. Similarly, dynamic_world will contain only DynamicWorld2020_2021.class_amount, so Presto will ignore it.


The script contains code for self-supervised training. This can be run locally on a small subset of the data with:

# Barebones local run
python \
    --train_url "data/dw_144_mini_shard_44.tar" \
    --val_url "data/dw_144_mini_shard_44.tar" \
    --val_per_n_steps 1 \
    --cropharvest_per_n_validations 0 \


A trained model (or a randomly initialized model) can be run against the evaluation tasks using If an --id and --epoch is passed to the script, a model will be loaded from models/{id}/{epoch}.pt - otherwise, a randomly initialized model will be evaluated.


The MOSAIKS1D benchmark can be run against evaluation tasks using the script.

Generating new data

Diagram: url


The script will generate:

Behind the scenes for each tile the script will:

  1. Begin Earth Engine exports to get data for tile from specific data pipeline. Examples:
    • gs://<EE_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_1>/*.tif
    • gs://<EE_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_2>/*.tif
    • gs://<EE_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_3>/*.tif
  2. Process each tif file to npy. Examples:
    • gs://<NPY_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_1>/*.npy
    • gs://<NPY_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_2>/*.npy
    • gs://<NPY_BUCKET>/<SHARD_1>/<PIPELINE_3>/*.npy
  3. Combine all npy files into a tar file accessible through webdataset. Example:
    • gs://<TAR_BUCKET>/<DATASET_NAME>/<SHARD_1>.tar

Accessing new data

In [0]:
import webdataset as wds
import pandas as pd
uri = "gs://lem-assets2/S1_S2_ERA5_SRTM_2020_2021_DynamicWorld2020_2021_tars/dw_144_shard_0.tar"
dataset = wds.WebDataset(f"pipe:gcloud storage cat {uri}").decode()
for sample in dataset:

In [1]: list(sample.keys())
Out[1]: ['__key__', '__url__', 'dynamicworld2020_2021.npy', 's1_s2_era5_srtm_2020_2021.npy', 'worldcover2020.npy']

In [2]: sample["s1_s2_era5_srtm_2020_2021.npy"].shape
Out[2]: (625, 24, 18)

In [3]: sample["latlon.npy"].shape
Out[3]: (625, 2)

In [4]: sample["worldcover2020.npy"].shape
Out[4]: (625, 1)

In [5]: sample["dynamicworld2020_2021.npy"].shape
Out[5]: (625, 24)

In [6]: pd.Series(sample["dynamicworld2020_2021.npy"].flatten()).value_counts()
0    14978
7       22
dtype: int64


If you find this code useful, please cite the following paper:

      title={Lightweight, Pre-trained Transformers for Remote Sensing Timeseries},
      author={Gabriel Tseng and Ruben Cartuyvels and Ivan Zvonkov and Mirali Purohit and David Rolnick and Hannah Kerner},