natecraddock / workspaces.nvim

a simple plugin to manage workspace directories in neovim
MIT License
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a simple plugin to manage workspace directories in neovim

workspaces.nvim provides a few simple commands for managing workspace directories in neovim. A workspace is a name and a path, and opening a workspace will set the current directory to the correct path.

Nothing runs automatically. The idea is that workspace creation is an infrequent task, so there shouldn't be any need for automatic workspace registration, or heuristics to determine if a directory is a workspace. A command and telescope extension are provided to make it simple to open a workspace, but what that means beyond changing directories is left up to you by customizing the hooks. See Examples for inspiration on hooks!

Note that this plugin is small in scope and complexity. It has been stable for a long time. Just because I am not making changes doesn't mean it's been abandoned! It was designed to be small and stable, and it will stay that way.


Because naming could be confusing, here are some definitions:


Install with your favorite neovim package manager. Be sure to run the setup function if you wish to change the default configuration or register the user commands.


The setup function accepts a table to modify the default configuration:

    -- path to a file to store workspaces data in
    -- on a unix system this would be ~/.local/share/nvim/workspaces
    path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/workspaces",

    -- to change directory for nvim (:cd), or only for window (:lcd)
    -- deprecated, use cd_type instead
    -- global_cd = true,

    -- controls how the directory is changed. valid options are "global", "local", and "tab"
    --   "global" changes directory for the neovim process. same as the :cd command
    --   "local" changes directory for the current window. same as the :lcd command
    --   "tab" changes directory for the current tab. same as the :tcd command
    -- if set, overrides the value of global_cd
    cd_type = "global",

    -- sort the list of workspaces by name after loading from the workspaces path.
    sort = true,

    -- sort by recent use rather than by name. requires sort to be true
    mru_sort = true,

    -- option to automatically activate workspace when opening neovim in a workspace directory
    auto_open = false,

    -- option to automatically activate workspace when changing directory not via this plugin
    auto_dir = false,

    -- enable info-level notifications after adding or removing a workspace
    notify_info = true,

    -- lists of hooks to run after specific actions
    -- hooks can be a lua function or a vim command (string)
    -- lua hooks take a name, a path, and an optional state table
    -- if only one hook is needed, the list may be omitted
    hooks = {
        add = {},
        remove = {},
        rename = {},
        open_pre = {},
        open = {},

For example, the following settings will add a hook to run :Telescope find_files after opening a workspace, and keep the default workspaces path:

    hooks = {
        open = { "Telescope find_files" },


The setup function registers the following user commands:

See :h workspaces-usage for more information on the commands.


The workspaces commands may also be accessed from Lua

local workspaces = require("workspaces")

workspaces.add(path: string, name: string)

workspaces.add_dir(path: string)

workspaces.remove(name: string)

workspaces.remove_dir(name: string)

workspaces.rename(name: string, new_name: string)


workspaces.list_dirs() string)

workspaces.get(): table string|nil

workspaces.path(): string|nil


workspaces.get_custom(name: string): string|nil

workspaces.set_custom(name: string, data: string)

See :h workspaces-api for more information on the API functions.

Telescope Picker

workspaces.nvim is bundled with a telescope picker extension. To enable, add the following to your config


The picker will list all workspaces. <cr> will open the selected workspace, running any registered hooks. <c-t> will open the selected workspace in a new tab.

To keep nvim in insert mode (for example, when chaining multiple telescope pickers), add the following to your telescope setup function. You can also specify the highlight group used for the path in the picker.

  extensions = {
    workspaces = {
      -- keep insert mode after selection in the picker, default is false
      keep_insert = true,
      -- Highlight group used for the path in the picker, default is "String"
      path_hl = "String"


Remember that more than one hook is allowed, so these may be combined in creative ways! Hooks may also be registered after adding and removing workspaces, not only after opening a workspace.

See Configuration Recipes and Troubleshooting on the wiki for more inspiration and help configuring the plugin. Feel free to contribute your setup!

fzf file finder

Change directory to the workspace and run fzf.

    hooks = {
        open = "FZF",

Open a file tree

Open nvim-tree.

    hooks = {
        open = "NvimTreeOpen",

Load a saved session

Load any saved sessions using natecraddock/sessions.nvim.

    hooks = {
        open_pre = {
          -- If recording, save current session state and stop recording

          -- delete all buffers (does not save changes)
          "silent %bdelete!",
        open = function()
          require("sessions").load(nil, { silent = true })


Open nvim-tree and a telescope file picker.

    hooks = {
        open = { "NvimTreeOpen", "Telescope find_files" },

If you create a hook you think is useful, let me know and I might just add it to this list!


workspaces.nvim is a simple plugin with the ability to be extended through hooks. Nothing is registered or opened automatically. If you want a plugin to be less manual, try an alternative: