A simple model-level framework for Cappuccino. Inspired by ActiveRecord and CoreData, it allows you to validate properties of model objects, and manage relationships between models.
I wrote this class when I started working on a Cappuccino application with a fairly complex domain model. I didn't want to manage all the validations and relationships in each model I wrote, so I made a class to handle all of that for me.
To use NMValidatedObject, you simply include it in your project, and subclass it for each of your model objects. Then perform any setup needed in your init method.
See the included tests for details on how to use it.
@import "NMValidatedObject.j"
@import "Department.j"
@implementation Employee : NMValidatedObject
// All properties must have accessors for KVO to work
Department department @accessors;
CPString name @accessors;
CPMutableArray projects @accessors;
self = [super init];
if (self)
projects = [[CPMutableArray alloc] init];
[self belongsToKey:@"department"];
[self hasAndBelongsToManyOfKey:@"projects"];
[self validatesLengthOfKey:@"name" minimum:5 maximum:25];
return self;
//Accessor methods for the array, since that's not generated automatically yet.
//I want to have support for CPSets too, but they're not KVO compliant yet.
-(void)insertObject:(id)anObject inProjectsAtIndex:(int)anIndex
[projects insertObject:anObject atIndex:anIndex];
[projects removeObjectAtIndex:anIndex];
Feel free to use this for any projects, commercial or free, open or closed source, with attribution. If you make any modifications, release those modifications back to the community.