You do not need to install this to join servers, only to host
- Install NodeJS (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- Download the contents of this repository
- Extract to any location
Hosting LAN
Run 'run.bat'
Joining LAN
Go to 'localhost:5000' if you are the host, or navigate to the host's IP address on port 5000
Hosting Online
- Run 'run.bat'
- Run 'ngrok.exe'
- In ngrok, type 'ngrok.exe http 5000' without the quotes, then hit enter
- Give the randomly generated ngrok URL to anyone wishing to join
Joining Online
Get the random ngrok URL from the host and navigate there (ex. https://bff09cc5.ngrok.io)
Navigating to an IP address on a specific port
Type this into your internet browser: YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE:5000 (ex.
You can get your local IP address by entering 'ipconfig' into the Command Prompt
Note: This is only tested for Windows, and instructions are written for Windows. You can join an already running server from any other OS but I have not tried hosting on another OS. It might work, it might not.