nathanford / data-href

data-href - Put an href on it.
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A quick bit of JavaScript to let you define an href on any element. This vanilla JS is library agnostic, and will degrade gracefully so long as your content also has a link to the desired URL. I built this because the HTML5 spec states that while you can use block-level anchors, you still cannot nest an anchor within an anchor. This makes the tag links in the pattern below invalid. So I thought it might be fun to resurrect a feature of XHTML2 that I really liked – adding an href to any element.

Using data-href

Integrating with your HTML is simple: copy the script into your JS, and then add a “data-href” attribute to any element, pointing to the desired URL. For example:

<article data-href="">

  <h1><a href="">Headline goes here.</a></h1>
  <p>And here goes a bit of copy about the content of the article.</p>

  <small>Tags: <a href="">content</a>, <a href="">headlines</a></small>


Priority will be given to any nested link’s href. So, if you click an element with a data-href, you go to the data-href URL; if you click a link inside of that element, you go to the URL on that link.

Demo here:


The latest version will now allow CMD+Click events to work properly in Webkit browsers, but will silently fail in FF and IE. As support for initMouseEvent is implemented, this should get better. Therefore…

Please note: This is an enhancement. You should still provide a regular anchor link to your content somewhere in the element. In the example, the H1 still links to the content-page, and would work fine even if JavaScript was turned off, or if the user is in a browser that does not support the methods used in the JavaScript.