nathanmarlor / foxess_modbus_charge_period_card

Custom Home Assistant Cards for the FoxESS Modbus Integration
MIT License
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Mismatched sensor naming between foxess_modbus integration and this lovelace card #9

Closed shiraz-b closed 10 months ago

shiraz-b commented 10 months ago

Version of the custom_component



Installed and successfully running [v1.7.2](

Describe the bug


This is all great work and I'm happy to help in anyway I can with any beta versions/reviews etc - just let me know, thanks!

Debug log

canton7 commented 10 months ago

Looks like the same as #8. You've misdiagnosed the issue slightly - the entity ids are supplied by the integration, but the entities don't have the id in HA that the integration specified. Either that, or some thing's broken.

Thanks for the setup steps - I'll try and repro over the weekend.

canton7 commented 10 months ago

Can you give v1.7.3b1 of the foxess_modbus integration a try please?

shiraz-b commented 10 months ago

Thanks @canton7 : I'll give it a try today and confirm the outcome...

shiraz-b commented 10 months ago

Hi @canton7 : I can confirm after deleteing/reloading both the main integration to v1.7.3b1 and the lovelace integration (probably unecessarily) it all works. Specifically:

Thank you so much!!

I'll stick with the beta until it's rolled into the main line tags...

Not sure of the process here - happy to close if you'd like?

canton7 commented 10 months ago

Thanks! I'll get the beta released, then close this.

canton7 commented 10 months ago
