nathanmarlor / foxess_modbus_charge_period_card

Custom Home Assistant Cards for the FoxESS Modbus Integration
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link
energy foxess homeassistant

FoxESS - Modbus Charge Period Card

GitHub Release License


This is lovelace card which works with the Foxess - Modbus integration to let you set and configure charge periods.

This is supported by the following inverters:

This provides the same functionality as the FoxESS app.


First, make sure that you have installed the Foxess - Modbus integration version 1.7.0 or higher, and have configured at least one supported inverter.

Quick installation link

Recommend installation is through HACS.

Either use this link or:

  1. Navigate to "HACS" in the left menu
  2. Select "Frontend"
  3. "Explore & Download Repositories" in the bottom right
  4. Search for "FoxESS - Modbus: Charge Period Card"
  5. Click "Download" in the bottom right
  6. When prompted, click "Reload"

Then add it to one of your dashboards

  1. On a dashboard, select "Edit Dashboard" then "Add Card"
  2. Search for "FoxESS - Modbus: Charge Period Card", and select
  3. Select your inverter using the drop-down
  4. Click "Save"


After making changes, click "Save" to save them to your inverter.