nathanramoscfa / pycgapi

An unofficial Python wrapper for the CoinGecko API
MIT License
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Update tests #10

Closed nathanramoscfa closed 5 months ago

nathanramoscfa commented 5 months ago

This pull request significantly enhances the test coverage of our API functionalities, focusing on precision handling in cryptocurrency and OHLC data fetching, as well as improving the robustness of NFT data retrieval methods.

Key Additions:

  1. Precision Parameter Testing: Extended existing tests for /simple/price, /coins/{id}/ohlc, and /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range endpoints to include scenarios where precision parameters are specified. This ensures accurate handling of numerical data at different levels of precision.

  2. NFT Collection Data Handling: Introduced new tests to verify the correct functionality of NFT collection data fetching, including edge cases like invalid arguments and empty data responses. This includes tests for /nfts/{id} and related endpoints, ensuring our API handles various scenarios gracefully.

  3. Enhanced Robustness: Additional assertions and mock responses were added to existing tests to cover a broader range of responses and error scenarios, improving the overall robustness of our API test suite.