nathanramoscfa / pycgapi

An unofficial Python wrapper for the CoinGecko API
MIT License
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api api-wrapper coingecko coingecko-api coingecko-client crypto cryptocurrency finance nfts python python3 wrapper wrapper-api


pytest codecov Documentation Status PyPI Python Version Downloads License: MIT

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. API Key
  5. Quick Start
  6. Usage Examples
  7. Available Methods
  8. Running on Docker
  9. Testing
  10. Roadmap
  11. Contributing
  12. Change Log
  13. License
  14. Contact


pycgapi is an unofficial Python wrapper for the CoinGecko API (V3). It's designed to process API endpoint responses into easy-to-use pandas DataFrames wherever possible. From simple price checks to complex historical data analysis, pycgapi facilitates seamless integration with the CoinGecko API. For more information on the official CoinGecko API, please refer to the official documentation.


pycgapi provides a user-friendly and efficient way to interact with the CoinGecko API. It simplifies the process of retrieving cryptocurrency data, offering the following features:

  1. Simplified Endpoints: Access to CoinGecko's extensive cryptocurrency data through easy-to-use Python methods.
  2. Comprehensive Data Access: Fetch latest prices, market caps, trading volumes, historical data, and more for over thousands of cryptocurrencies.
  3. Enhanced Functionality for Pro Users: Special endpoints for Pro API users, including faster data updates and access to exclusive data sets.
  4. Multi-Category Support: Access to various categories, including coins, exchanges, derivatives, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
  5. Historical Data Retrieval: Obtain historical market data with customizable granularity, providing valuable insights into cryptocurrency trends and movements.
  6. Global Cryptocurrency Statistics: Overview of global cryptocurrency statistics, including market caps, trading volumes, and dominance percentages.
  7. Rate Limit Management: Handles API rate limits efficiently, ensuring seamless data retrieval without hitting rate limits.
  8. Error Handling and Reporting: Comprehensive error handling to report and manage API request issues effectively.
  9. Real-time Data Updates: Offers real-time updates on cryptocurrency prices and market changes, crucial for timely analysis and decision-making.
  10. Easy Integration: Designed for easy integration into financial analysis tools, trading bots, and cryptocurrency applications.

pycgapi is ideal for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, financial analysts, data scientists, and developers seeking a robust and comprehensive solution for accessing CoinGecko's extensive cryptocurrency data.


To install pycgapi, simply run:

pip install pycgapi

Or, clone from GitHub and install:

git clone
cd pycgapi
python install


You do not need an API key to use the Public API. You will need an API key to use the Pro API. To obtain an API key, please visit the CoinGecko API page and follow the instructions. This package comes bundled with keyring to save and retrieve your API key securely without having to hardcode it. To save your API key, simply run the following code in a Python console or Jupyter Notebook:

import keyring
keyring.set_password('coingecko', 'api_key', 'MY_API_KEY')  # replace MY_API_KEY with your API key
print(keyring.get_password('coingecko', 'api_key'))



CoinGecko API Plans and Rate Limits

CoinGecko offers various API plans tailored to different user needs. Below is a summary table of the key features of each plan:

Plan Monthly Price Annual Price (Monthly) Rate Limit/Min Call Credits (Monthly
Demo Free Free 10-30 10K
Analyst $129 $103 500 500K
Lite $499 $399 500 2M
Pro $999 $799 1000 5M
Enterprise Custom Pricing Custom Pricing Custom Custom

Quick Start

To initialize the pycgapi client, simply run the following code based on your API plan:

Demo API:

from pycgapi import CoinGeckoAPI
api = CoinGeckoAPI()  # no API key required for public API

Paid Plan API:

import keyring
from pycgapi import CoinGeckoAPI
api_key = keyring.get_password('coingecko', 'api_key')  # gets your API key
api = CoinGeckoAPI(api_key, pro_api=True)  # must provide api_key and set pro_api=True

Ping the CoinGecko API server:



API Server Status: {'gecko_says': '(V3) To the Moon!'}

The output above confirms a successful connection to the CoinGecko API server.

Usage Examples

For detailed examples of all endpoints, see the examples directory. Here are a few examples of pycgapi:

Get a list of all supported coins:

coins = api.coins_list()


                    symbol                 name
01coin                 zoc               01coin
0chain                 zcn                  Zus
0-knowledge-network    0kn  0 Knowledge Network
0-mee                  ome                O-MEE
0vix-protocol          vix        0VIX Protocol

Get a list of all supported coins with price, volume, and market-related data:

coins = api.coins_market_data()[['symbol', 'name', 'current_price', 'market_cap', 'total_volume']]


            symbol      name  current_price    market_cap  total_volume
bitcoin        btc   Bitcoin      43410.000  850590460912   29791306848
ethereum       eth  Ethereum       2223.840  267274033503   18135533011
tether        usdt    Tether          1.002   92977544355   51440182305
binancecoin    bnb       BNB        311.890   48011725773    1578466144
solana         sol    Solana         96.810   41708642386    3237650635

Get a list of supported fiat-currencies:

supported_vs_currencies = api.supported_currencies()
print('Available Vs. Currencies: {}'.format(sorted(supported_vs_currencies)))


Available Vs. Currencies: ['aed', 'ars', 'aud', 'bch', 'bdt', 'bhd', 'bits', 'bmd', 'bnb', 'brl', 'btc', 'cad', 'chf', 
'clp', 'cny', 'czk', 'dkk', 'dot', 'eos', 'eth', 'eur', 'gbp', 'gel', 'hkd', 'huf', 'idr', 'ils', 'inr', 'jpy', 'krw', 
'kwd', 'link', 'lkr', 'ltc', 'mmk', 'mxn', 'myr', 'ngn', 'nok', 'nzd', 'php', 'pkr', 'pln', 'rub', 'sar', 'sats', 'sek', 
'sgd', 'thb', 'try', 'twd', 'uah', 'usd', 'vef', 'vnd', 'xag', 'xau', 'xdr', 'xlm', 'xrp', 'yfi', 'zar']

Get the current price of a list of cryptocurrencies:

coin_ids = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether', 'binancecoin', 'solana']
price = api.get_simple_prices(coin_ids)


binancecoin    320.25000
bitcoin      43201.00000
ethereum      2239.91000
solana         101.26000
tether           0.99994

Get the historical market data for a list of cryptocurrencies:

coin_ids = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether', 'binancecoin', 'solana']
coins_historical_data = api.multiple_coins_historical_data(coin_ids)
print('Available Keys: {}'.format(sorted(coins_historical_data.keys())))


100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:01<00:00,  2.68it/s]
Available Keys: ['market_cap', 'price', 'total_volume']

                               bitcoin    ethereum    tether  binancecoin  \
2020-04-11 00:00:00+00:00  6864.694257  157.740158  1.001752    13.718826   
2020-04-12 00:00:00+00:00  6878.781213  158.327878  1.001414    13.826759   
2020-04-13 00:00:00+00:00  6913.158787  158.863826  0.996086    14.265117   
2020-04-14 00:00:00+00:00  6857.538538  156.701359  0.998972    15.045573   
2020-04-15 00:00:00+00:00  6860.178536  158.267151  1.000622    15.582721   

2020-04-11 00:00:00+00:00  0.957606  
2020-04-12 00:00:00+00:00  0.784711  
2020-04-13 00:00:00+00:00  0.875994  
2020-04-14 00:00:00+00:00  0.786712  
2020-04-15 00:00:00+00:00  0.666673  

Available Methods

pycgapi offers a wide range of methods for accessing cryptocurrency data. For a complete list of available methods, please refer to the documentation.


* **/ping** - Check API server status. ```python api.status_check() ```


* **/simple/price** - Get the current price of any cryptocurrencies in any other supported currencies that you need. ```python api.simple_prices(coin_ids) ``` * **/simple/supported_vs_currencies** - Get list of supported_vs_currencies. ```python api.supported_currencies() ```


* **/coins/list** - List all supported coins id, name and symbol (no pagination required). ```python api.coins_list() ``` * **/coins/markets** - List all supported coins price, market cap, volume, and market related data. ```python api.coins_market_data() api.top_coins_market_data(top_n=10) ``` * **/coins/{id}** - Get current data (name, price, market, ... including exchange tickers) for a coin. ```python api.coin_info(coin_id='bitcoin') ``` * **/coins/{id}/tickers** - Get coin tickers (paginated to 100 items). ```python api.coin_market_tickers(coin_id='bitcoin') ``` * **/coins/{id}/history** - Get historical data (name, price, market, stats) at a given date for a coin. ```python api.coin_historical_on_date(coin_id='bitcoin', date='12-31-2023') ``` * **/coins/{id}/market_chart** - Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume (granularity auto). ```python api.coin_historical_market_data(coin_id='bitcoin') api.multiple_coins_historical_data(coin_ids=['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether', 'binancecoin', 'solana']) ``` * **/coins/{id}/market_chart/range** - Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume within a range of timestamp (granularity auto). ```python api.coin_historical_market_data(coin_id='bitcoin', from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') api.multiple_coins_historical_data(coin_ids=['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether'], from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') ``` * **/coins/{id}/ohlc** - Get coin's OHLC (candlestick) data. ```python api.coin_ohlc_data(coin_id='bitcoin') api.multiple_coins_ohlc_data(coin_ids=['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether', 'binancecoin', 'solana']) ```


* **/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}** - Get coin info from contract address. ```python api.coin_by_contract(platform_id='ethereum', contract_address='0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32') ``` * **/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart** - Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume (granularity auto). ```python api.contract_historical_market_data(platform_id='ethereum', contract_address='0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32') ``` * **/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range** - Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume within a range of timestamp (granularity auto). ```python api.contract_historical_market_data(platform_id='ethereum', contract_address='0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32', from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') ```


* **/asset_platforms** - List all asset platforms (Blockchain networks). ```python api.asset_platforms_list() ```


* **/coins/categories/list** - List all categories. ```python api.cryptocurrency_categories_list() ``` * **/coins/categories** - List all categories with market data. ```python api.categories_market_data() ```


* **/exchanges** - List all exchanges. ```python api.active_exchanges_list() ``` * **/exchanges/list** - List all exchanges name and identifier. ```python api.all_exchanges_list() ``` * **/exchanges/{id}** - Get exchange volume in BTC and top 100 tickers for a specific exchange. ```python api.exchange_volume_data(exchange_id='binance') ``` * **/exchanges/{id}/tickers** - Get paginated tickers for a specific exchange (paginated, 100 tickers per page). ```python api.exchange_market_tickers(exchange_id='binance') ``` * **/exchanges/{id}/volume_chart** - Get volume_chart data for a specific exchange. ```python api.exchange_historical_volume(exchange_id='binance') ``` * **/exchanges/{id}/volume_chart/range** - Get volume_chart data for a specific exchange within a range of timestamp. ```python api.exchange_historical_volume(exchange_id='binance', from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') ```


* **/derivatives** - List all derivative tickers. ```python api.derivatives_market_tickers() ``` * **/derivatives/exchanges** - List all derivative exchanges. ```python api.derivatives_exchanges_list() ``` * **/derivatives/exchanges/{id}** - Get detailed data for a specific derivatives exchange. ```python api.derivatives_exchange_info(exchange_id='binance_futures') ``` * **/derivatives/exchanges/list** - List all derivatives exchanges name and identifiers. ```python api.all_derivatives_exchanges_list() ```

nfts (beta)

* **/nfts/list** - Get list of all supported NFT ids. ```python api.nfts_supported() ``` * **/nfts/{id}** - Get current data for a specific NFT collection. ```python api.nft_collection_info(nft_id='bored-ape-yacht-club') api.nft_collections_info(nft_ids=['cryptopunks', 'bored-ape-yacht-club']) ``` * **nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/{contract_address}** - Get current data for a specific NFT contract address. ```python api.nft_collection_info(asset_platform_id='ethereum', contract_address='0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d') ```


* **/exchange_rates** - Get BTC-to-Currency exchange rates. ```python api.btc_exchange_rates() ```


* **/search** - Search for coins, categories, and markets listed on CoinGecko. ```python api.search_coingecko(query='bitcoin') ```


* **/search/trending** - Get trending search coins (Top-7) on CoinGecko in the last 24 hours. ```python api.trending_searches() ```


* **/global** - Get cryptocurrency global data. ```python api.global_crypto_stats() ``` * **/global/decentralized_finance_defi** - Get cryptocurrency global decentralized finance(defi) data. ```python api.global_defi_stats() ```

companies (beta)

* **/companies/public_treasury/{coin_id}** - Get public companies that hold this coin as part of their treasury. ```python api.companies_holdings(coin_id='bitcoin') ```

paid plan (exclusive)

* **/coins/list/new** - Get the latest 200 coins recented listed on CoinGecko. ```python api.new_coins_listed() ``` * **/coins/top_gainers_losers** - Get the top 30 gainers and losers for a specific duration. ```python api.gainers_losers() ``` * **/global/market_cap_chart** - Get historical global market cap and volume data. ```python api.historical_global_market_cap() ``` * **/nfts/markets** - Get list of supported NFTs with market data. ```python api.nft_market_data() ``` * **/nfts/{id}/market_chart** - Get historical market data of a specific NFT collection by id. ```python api.get_nft_collection_historical_market_data(nft_id='bored-ape-yacht-club') ``` * **/nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart** - Get historical market data of a specific NFT collection by contract address. ```python api.nft_historical_data( asset_platform_id='ethereum', contract_address='0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d' ) ``` * **/nfts/{id}/tickers** - Get the latest floor price and 24h volume of an NFT collection on each NFT marketplace. ```python api.nft_market_tickers(nft_id='bored-ape-yacht-club') ```

enterprise plan (exclusive)

* **/coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chart** - Get historical circulating supply data for a coin. ```python api.coin_circulating_supply_history(coin_id='bitcoin') ``` * **/coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chart/range** - Get historical circulating supply data for a coin within a date range. ```python api.coin_circulating_supply_history(coin_id='bitcoin', from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') ``` * **/coins/{id}/total_supply_chart** - Get historical total supply data for a coin. ```python api.coin_total_supply_history(coin_id='bitcoin') ``` * **/coins/{id}/total_supply_chart/range** - Get historical total supply data for a coin within a date range. ```python api.coin_total_supply_history(coin_id='bitcoin', from_date='12-31-2022', to_date='12-31-2023') ``` * **/token_lists/{asset_platform_id}/all.json** - Get list of tokens for a specific blockchain network supported by Ethereum token list standard. ```python api.all_tokens_list(asset_platform_id='ethereum') ```

Running on Docker

You can run pycgapi inside a Docker container. Below are the steps to build and run the Docker image:

  1. Build the Docker Image:

    First, navigate to the root directory of the project in the command prompt and build the Docker image using the following command:

    docker build --no-cache -t pycgapi .
  2. Running the Docker Container:

    Once the Docker image is built, you can run the Docker container using the following command:

    docker run -it pycgapi


To run the test suite with coverage analysis, navigate to the root directory of the project and use the following command:

coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests

This command uses coverage to run all tests in the tests directory and collect coverage data as specified in the .coveragerc file. After running the tests, you can generate a report to see the coverage percentage with:

coverage report

Or, to generate an HTML report showing line-by-line coverage:

coverage html

This will create a new directory named htmlcov. Open the index.html file in this directory with a web browser to view the detailed coverage report.



Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, report bugs, or suggest new features.

Change Log

Notable changes can be found in the Change Log.


pycgapi is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more details.


Find me on LinkedIn or schedule a meeting with me on Calendly.