nathanshelly / .files

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docker dotfiles dotfiles-configuration neovim nix tmux workflow zsh


My personal dotfiles configuration for macOS & Linux systems.

Primarily a zsh, neovim & tmux workflow (respective folders: zsh, neovim & tmux).



why use this?

Custom dotfiles can make your terminal setup far more powerful (& prettier).

They can also suck up your time following a rabbit hole of Stack Overflow posts, break in unexpected ways, and generally be a chore to build.

These dotfiles give you the best of a custom configuration without the hassle of maintenance.

the pitch

the anti-pitch

.files values

Aspirational principles:


If you use docker you can run the following command to test drive this config with minimal effort (see misc/docker/dotfiles for more details):

docker run --interactive --tty nathanshelly/dotfiles:latest

These dotfiles use 24 bit (true) color. For best results use a terminal emulator that supports this feature (the default macOS emulator, Terminal, does not). Here are a few possibilities: Alacritty, kitty, iTerm2 (macOS-specific).

The below commands will run the infra/setup/setup_dotfiles which will walk through installing shell utilities, symlinking files to their appropriate locations, etc. See the infra/setup folder for documentation on the setup process.

cd $HOME # to clone dotfiles to `$HOME/.files`
# now clone this repo and run setup
git clone
cd .files
make setup

Unless something went wrong (🤞) you're all set up now! 🎉

Check out next steps below to explore features/configuration possibilities.

next steps

add your own configuration

If you have your own shell configuration (a .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc, etc.) you will likely be able to simply source it and get the best of this config while overriding with your own.

Note: zsh is mostly backwards compatible with bash. Enough so that most bash configs can be sourced from zsh without any issues. If you have a more complex bash config there may be compatibility issues.

To do so, simply move or copy the file to $DOTFILES/zsh/local.zsh. For example, if you want to preserve configuration from a .bashrc you'd run the following:

# or `mv`
cp $HOME/.bashrc $DOTFILES/zsh/local.zsh
source $HOME/.zshrc

Your configuration should now be applied on top of these dotfiles. Feel free to open an issue if you have any trouble!

add secrets safely

DO NOT check in any tokens or credentials like NPM_TOKENs, database URLs, etc. To avoid this, add such secrets to the gitignored $DOTFILES/zsh/secrets.zsh (you'll need to create it the first time you want to add a secret).

Technically $DOTFILES/zsh/local.zsh is gitignored as well but splitting out secrets into a separate file can help avoid accidental leakage.

explore features/configuration

Here's a few items you might be interested in trying/learning more about: