This repository contains multiple independent kinds of nats-spark-connectors, each flavor having its own directory structure, with its own README and SBT build files.
V2 This is currently the newest connector, and the one to now use by default. It starts with version 2.0 to avoid any ambiguity with the 'balanced' connector which only has versions 1.x.
balanced: In this scenario, NATS utilizes a single JetStream partition, using a durable and queued configuration to load balance messages across Spark threads, each thread contributing to single streaming micro-batch Dataframe at each Spark "pull". Current message offset is kept in the NATS queue for the purpose of fault tolerance (FT). Spark simply acknowledges each message during a micro-batch 'commit', and resends a message if an ack is not received within a pre-set timeframe.
At this point, the partitioned connector is now considered legacy and included only for educational purposes only. It may be removed entirely in the future.