naturalis / bio-cipres

Phylogenomic analysis on the CIPRES REST portal
MIT License
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Phylogenomic analysis on the CIPRES REST portal


Usage of CIPRES requires a DEVELOPER account (not a normal user account) for the CIPRES REST API (CRA), and a registration for the app corvid19_phylogeny.With the account and app key, you can then populate a YAML file cipres_appinfo.yml thusly, substituting the fields with pointy brackets with the appropriate values:

KEY: <app key>
CRA_USER: <user>
PASSWORD: <pass>

Additional prerequisites, which should be resolved automatically during your chosen installation procedure (conda, cpanm) are listed under the PREREQ_PM field in the file Makefile.PL.



$ cpanm Bio::Phylo::CIPRES

Example workflow

1. Aligning sequences

To align sequences in a FASTA file with MAFFT:

cipresrun \
     -t MAFFT_XSEDE \
     -p vparam.anysymbol_=1 \
     -i <infile> \
     -y cipres_appinfo.yml \
     -o output.mafft=/path/to/outfile.fasta

2. Inferring trees

To infer trees from an aligned FASTA file using IQTree:

cipresrun \
    -p vparam.specify_runtype_=2 \
    -p vparam.specify_dnamodel_=HKY \
    -p vparam.bootstrap_type_=bb \
    -p vparam.use_bnni_=1 \
    -p vparam.num_bootreps_=1000 \
    -p vparam.specify_numparts_=1 \
    -i /path/to/outfile.fasta \
    -y cipres_appinfo.yml \    
    -o output.contree=/path/to/tree.dnd