natverse / natverse_hugo
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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This repo is the source of, and this readme tells you how it all works.

This repo (and resulting website) is licensed as CC BY-SA.

Recommended setup for editing the website

If you want to make regular edits to the website then one easy way to do this is using Rstudio and the blogdown package. First install Rstudio/R as normal.

Install blogdown/hugo (once only steps)

# nb this can take some time to complete

Git clone the repository

Use git to clone the repository.

# or wherever you would like to clone to
cd ~/dev_pages/
git clone

Please make sure you have checked out the dev_pages branch (this is actually the default).

Serve the site locally


You can now edit your markdown files in /content/ and each time you save the live local preview of the site will be updated.

Saving your changes

Update the public site

When you are ready, push your changes (in the dev_pages branch) to the remote GitHub repository and the site will automatically be rebuilt (via the netlify integration). You should ensure that the dev_pages branch has successfully rebuilt. If and only if this has happened, you can merge the dev_pages branch into the master branch, which will then trigger a rebuild of the public facing website.


We are extremely grateful to the authors of the following: