navarr / phpcs-action

Github Action helps you check your code with PHP_CodeSniffer
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PHP CodeSniffer GitHub Action

This action will help you to run phpcs (PHP_CodeSniffer) with GitHub Actions platform. It also supports annotations out of the box.

How Annotations Works


Add the following code to .github/workflows/phpcs.yml file.

name: PHPCS check

on: pull_request

      name: PHPCS
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Setup PHP
          uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
            php-version: 8.1
            tools: composer:v2
        - name: Install Dependencies
          run: composer install
        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3

If you want to check only files changed in the PR (NOTE: This requires checkout with depth 0)

        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
            fetch-depth: 0
        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3
            only_changed_files: true

Or, if you want to limit it even further, you can report on only changed lines:

        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
            fetch-depth: 0
        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3
            only_changed_lines: true

To enable phpcs warnings:

        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3
            enable_warnings: true

You probably would like to have configuration file for PHP_CodeSniffer in order to make it work as you like.

installed_paths and Dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer

If you are using custom standards, you have two options on how to customize this action.

  1. Just use special library which will find and activate all the standards you have in your composer.json.

It will also change phpcs installed_paths setting, but will prefer local phpcs install. That means we should use local phpcs binary in the action. To do so run action with certain parameter.

        - name: Install dependencies
          run: composer install --dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-suggest
        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3
            phpcs_bin_path: './vendor/bin/phpcs'
  1. Change the installed_paths directly by using another option.
        - name: PHPCS check
          uses: navarr/phpcs-action@v3
            installed_paths: '${{ github.workspace }}/vendor/phpcompatibility/php-compatibility'