naver / bergen

Benchmarking library for RAG
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augmentation generation llms rag retrieval

BERGEN: Benchmarking RAG

We present BERGEN (BEnchmarking Retrieval-augmented GENeration), a library to benchmark RAG systems, focusing on question-answering (QA). Inconsistent benchmarking poses a major challenge in comparing approaches and understanding the impact of each component in a RAG pipeline. BERGEN was designed to ease the reproducibility and integration of new datasets and models thanks to HuggingFace.

For more information and experimental findings, please see:

Quick Start

A RAG setup is typically a pipeline

question >> retriever >> reranker >> LLM >> answer

One can write simple config files (yaml), configuring a retriever, reranker, and LLMs for generations. All those configurations can be chained together as follows: am experiment with retrieval using BM25, reranking using MiniLM6, and generation using tinyllama-chat on kilt_nq.

  python3 retriever="bm25" reranker="minilm6" generator='tinyllama-chat' dataset='kilt_nq'


Check the installation guide

Supported Features

BERGEN contains simple wrappers for the following features: Category Name Argument
Datasets NQ dataset="kilt_nq"
TriviaQA dataset="kilt_triviaqa"
Generators Llama 2 7B Chat generator="llama-2-7b-chat"
Llama 2 13B Chat generator="llama-2-13b-chat"
Llama 2 70B Chat generator="llama-2-70b-chat"
Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 generator="mixtral-moe-7b-chat"
SOLAR-10.7B-Instruct-v1.0 generator="SOLAR-107B"
Retrievers BM25 retriever="bm25"
SPLADE-v3 retriever="spladev3"
BGE retriever="bge"
Rerankers DeBERTa-v3 reranker="debertav3"
Supported Metrics: Metric
Exact Match
F1 Score
Language ID

All the configuration files are located in the config dir. The main config file is located in config/rag.yaml

# main variables locating the local data folder and index
run_name: null
dataset_folder: 'datasets/' # where to download, save and preprocess the dataset
index_folder: 'indexes/' # where the search index are saved
runs_folder: 'runs/' # where the text search runs are saved, ie (query and document id lists)
experiments_folder: 'experiments/'    # where the generations from LLMs and metrics are saved


Datasets will be downloaded, pre-processed, indexed, and saved if they do not exist yet, otherwise, they will be loaded from dataset_folder and index_folder respectively.

ls config/dataset/
2wikimultihopqa.yaml  kilt_cweb.yaml   kilt_hotpotqa.yaml     kilt_structured_zeroshot.yaml  kilt_wned.yaml  msmarco.yaml  pubmed_bioasq.yaml  ut1.yaml asqa.yaml kilt_eli5.yaml   kilt_nq_wiki2024.yaml  kilt_trex.yaml   kilt_wow.yaml   nq_open.yaml  sciq.yaml  wiki_qa.yaml kilt_aidayago2.yaml   kilt_fever.yaml  kilt_nq.yaml kilt_triviaqa.yaml mmlu.yaml popqa.yaml  truthful_qa.yaml

To add a new datasets, please refer to an following guide:extensions


Indexing of the document collections will be automatically launched if needed: retrieval, reranking runs will be loaded from files if they already exist in runs, otherwise they will be created. Retrieval will only be evaluated if the query dataset contains the field ranking_label. For details about indexing, please refer to

Experiments are saved under experiments_folder. The experiment folder is named after the hash of the config, unless the experiment is finished the folder name will contain the prefix tmp_. You can provide a custom name for the experiment folder by adding +run_name={YOUR_NAME}. The script will be aborted if an experiment with the exact same parameters has been run before. To overwrite the experiment add +overwrite_exp=True as an argument.

To print the results in a table run the following commands. By default, this will print all experiments that contain generation metric files in experiments/ and sort them by the generator.

# will print a markdown of the results and save a csv file under the results directory
python3 --csv --folder experiments/

#csv files with all the metrics

Pipeline Examples

For the main command line: retriever, reranker, and generator are optional and can be None, the dataset argument must always be provided.

Generation without Retrieval (Closed Book)

python3  generator='tinyllama-chat' dataset='kilt_nq' 

Retriever - only first stage:

python3 retriever="splade-v3" generator='tinyllama-chat' dataset='kilt_nq'

Retriever + Reranker

python3 retriever="splade-v3" reranker="debertav3"  generator='tinyllama-chat' dataset='kilt_nq'

Using vllm to speed up generation:

python3 retriever="splade-v3" reranker="debertav3"  generator='vllm_SOLAR-107B' dataset='kilt_nq'

To specify another config file:

# create a config file located in the config dir
# (the default config is rag)
CONFIG=myownconfig python3 retriever="splade-v3" reranker="debertav3"  generator='vllm_SOLAR-107B' dataset='kilt_nq'


Non-neural metrics will be calculated automatically. Neural metrics such as BEM and LLM need to be evoked seperately.

By default will scan all folders in experiments/ and evaluate them sequentially. To evaluate a single folder pass the folder using --folder. To avoid running out of memory either run BEM using --bem or run LLM using --llm or --vllm (for faster inference). A csv file will automatically be saved to results/ containing the table in csv format.

When using --llm you have a choice on how you transform LLM predictions in the final score:

In case of --vllm inference point only option 1 is possible.

python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_batch_size 16 --split 'dev' --vllm

Similarly to --generator you can specify which LLM you are willing as first options of --llm/-vllm, as well as short name at metrics naming (use the name of the configuration file as the name of the llm).

# use llama2-7b-chat to run evaluation, output metric will be named VLLMeval_l2_7b
python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_batch_size 16 --split 'dev' --vllm  "llama-2-7b-chat" "l2_7b"

# use tinyllama to run evaluation, output metric will be named LLMeval_tinyllama
python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_batch_size 16 --split 'dev' --llm  "tinyllama-chat" "tinyllama"

# in default settings (with no arguments specified) we use SOLAR-107B for evaluation and output metric is named VLLMeval
python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_batch_size 16 --split 'dev' --vllm  

You can specify prompt and other parameters in the evaluation config file for --llm or --vllm at config/evaluator directory. By default they rely on default_qa.yaml configuration which assigns binary (Yes/No) value to each triple of Question/Response/Gold Response. You can specify finer granularity options and prompt (aka rubrik section). See example of more fine-grained configuration at config/evaluator/default_multi_qa.yaml.

python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_batch_size 16 --split 'dev' --vllm  --llm_prompt default_multi_qa

If you have local ollama server running, you can call models installed on this server as following:

python3 --experiments_folder experiments/ --llm_ollama "phi3:latest" --ollama_url "http://localhost:11434"   --llm_prompt default_multi_qa


For training a model add a training config e.g. train=lora as an argument, e.g.

  python3 retriever="bm25" reranker="minilm6" generator='tinyllama-chat' dataset='kilt_nq' train='lora'

For training the dev dataset split that is defined in the config is split in train and test splits ( default test size: 0.01). The best model (according to the newly generated test split) is loaded after the training and evaluated on the dev dataset split.

Output files

Example files generated for split dev using naver_splade-cocondenser-selfdistil as a retriever.

Printing Results Table

Simply run:

python3 --folder experiments/


See here our reference guide to add new datasets, models or configure prompts

Multilingual experiments

See here our multilingual RAG guide to run experiments with multilingual user queries and/or multilingual Wikipedia as a datastore.

Oracle Provenances as Answer

Generating answers using oracle provenances directly as an answer.

For running the generation simply selectn as the retriever and the generator oracle_provenance. For example:

python3 dataset='kilt_nq' retriever='oracle_provenance' generator='oracle_provenance'


To run all tests run:

To run all tests in the tests folder run:

pytest tests/

WARNING: you might have OutOfMemory error when running all tests, if it is the case you can failed tests separately to make sure that they pass

To run a single test (e.g. tinyonly) run:

pytest tests/ -k "tinyonly"

To run a single group of tests (e.g. TestBergenMain or TestBergenEval) run (recommended to better handle memory issues):

pytest tests -k TestBergenEval


If you use BERGEn for your research please consider citing us:

      title={BERGEN: A Benchmarking Library for Retrieval-Augmented Generation}, 
      author={David Rau and Hervé Déjean and Nadezhda Chirkova and Thibault Formal and
      Shuai Wang and Vassilina Nikoulina and Stéphane Clinchant},


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