navysealtf9k / Exploratory-Data-Analysis

Made use of dplyr, ggplot2 and tidyverse to perform a wide array of data cleaning and exploration tasks.
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HW03 Ready for grading #3

Open navysealtf9k opened 7 years ago

HScheiber commented 7 years ago

Main Repository/README:

ggplot2/dplyr exploration:

Get the maximum and minimum of GDP per capita for all continents

Look at the spread of GDP per capita within the continents

knitr::kable(spread_gdp_continent_table, align = 'c')

#### Compute a trimmed mean of life expectancy...

- Interesting weighing system and nice table using `pandoc`. Well built plot, nice section!

#### How is life expectancy changing over time on different continents?

- Really nice looking plot here! Good use of `theme` and `labs` function. However, colouring by continent when everything is already faceted by country is redundant. You could have coloured by, for example, `log10(gdpPercap)`.

- Again, unfortunately your table did not load properly. It seems that markdown doesn't like to load tables within tables!

#### Report the absolute and/or relative abundance of countries with low life expectancy...

- Interesting benchmark used here, it proved to be very useful!

- I would recommend not including such excessively long tables. Perhaps use the `head` function to show just a sample of your data with a table. 

- Really cool plot here, creativly arranged! 

Overall a great job. Clearly a lot of effort put into this, doing much more on the project that was required. Next time just proofread your work to ensure everything looks the way its supposed to!
mattssca commented 7 years ago

Great job on the assignment Abdullah! Here is my peer review for your efforts.

Keep up the amazing work and good luck with your future tasks!

Cheers, Adam!