navysealtf9k / Exploratory-Data-Analysis

Made use of dplyr, ggplot2 and tidyverse to perform a wide array of data cleaning and exploration tasks.
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Mini Biography

I am Abdullah Farouk, a new master's student with the department of Statistics at UBC. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics and Finance from Mcgill University. I am from Sri Lanka. I spent most of my childhood and early adult life in Saudi Arabia before moving to Montreal to pursue my undergraduate degree.

If you would like to learn more about me, please click here

Fun Facts

Bonus Fact

I enjoy ocassionally getting roasted by my friends.


Progress Report

I pulled and edited the README document on Rstudio. In additon to that I created an R-markdown document for the gapminder dataset on R as well. It was relatively easy to pull and make changes, given my familiarity with R, than it was for me to make these changes on the browser.

I used the sample template to experiment with most of the editing features on R markdown. In addition I enjoyed learning how to use the link feature. This was initially tricky but upon realization that it was a synctatical error, it became relatively easy to embed them into the document.

I was unsure of how to extend analysis on the gapminder dataset. Hence I chose to answer questions I thought would be interesting. It provided me with a nifty opportunity to embed code chunks and graphs. I had difficulty trying to generate the md file for it. Upon consultation with a friend I realized I had to knit it to generate and not manually type it in at the start of the document.


Home work 02

Please click here to see homework 2

Home work 03

Please click here to see homework 3

Home work 04

Please click here to see homework 4

Homew work 05

Please click here to see homework 5