nawtybean / BrightInvoicePublic

MIT License
1 stars 7 forks source link


License Python Django CI

BrightInvoice Logo (light)


BrightInvoice is a simple Open-Source invoice generator solution for small businesses. Our user-friendly platform streamlines the invoicing process, saving you time and money.

BrightInvoice is designed for small businesses and freelancers, so it can be used in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to:

Visit for a live version of this app.


The live version is hosted on a VM by Absolute Hosting running Ubuntu 22.04, with all DNS records hosted on CloudFlare ensuring end to end SSL encryption.

Payment integration for recurring billing is handled through PayFast

Installation and Configuration

Let’s get started - Local development !

Before we get started, it is important to note that this app is a Multi-Tenant app using ID's to seperate the tenants. The app uses subdomains i.e. to identify different tenants.

1. Fork the Repo and Create Virtual Environment

cd to BrightInvoicePublic

python -m venv venv

this will create a virtual environment, now we need to activate it

On Windows


On Linux

source venv/bin/Activate

Remember to create a new branch on your repo! Do not use master/main as this will cause issues later on for subsequent pull requests!

2. Installing Requirements

After complete forking the repo, creating a venv and activating it, install the requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Set hosts for local development

For local development, it is recommended to setup a psuedo domain (as this is a multi tenant app). Open your hosts file and add an entry that looks something like this: (There are a lot or resources online to add entries to your host file for your respective OS ). You can use any domain name you like.

4. Database

BrightInvoice uses PostgreSQL. Setup a PostgreSQL Server using a method you prefer.

Docker PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL for Windows - Remember to use PGAdmin to access the server

PostgreSQL for Mac - Remember to use PGAdmin to access the server

PostgreSQL for Linux - Remember to use PGAdmin to access the server

Create a database with a name of your choosing once postgres is setup.

5. Set the Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory of BrightInvoice, and set the following Variables

# Dev
# Database
SECRET_KEY='<Your Django Secret Key Goes Here>'
DB_NAME_DEV='<Your Database Name Goes Here>'
DB_USER_DEV='<Your Database User Goes Here>'
DB_PASSWORD_DEV='<Your Database Password Goes sHere>'
DB_HOST_DEV='<Your Database Host Goes Here>'
DB_PORT_DEV='<Your Database Port Goes Here>'

# Prod
# Database
SECRET_KEY='<Your Django Secret Key Goes Here>'
DB_NAME='<Your Database Name Goes Here>'
DB_USER='<Your Database User Goes Here>'
DB_PASSWORD='<Your Database Password Goes sHere>'
DB_HOST='<Your Database Host Goes Here>'
DB_PORT='<Your Database Port Goes Here>'

# Payfast Details
MERCHANT_ID='<Your Payfast Merchant ID Goes Here>'
MERCHANT_KEY='<Your Payfast Merchant Key Goes Here>'
PASS_PHRASE='<Your Payfast Pass Phrase Goes Here>'
CART_TOTAL=39 # The monthly recurring subscription price in Rands. Change as you want

# Email Settings
DEFAULT_EMAIL="<Your Email Goes Here>"
EMAIL_HOST_USER="<Your Email Goes Here>"
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="<Your Password Goes Here>"
EMAIL_FROM_USER="<Your Email Goes Here>"

# Environment

6. Starting your BrightInvoice app

The first step is to run migrations

python migrate

Once migrations are successfull, there is a custom command under:

└── root
    └── system_management
        └── managment
            └── commands

You can double check and change the super user details in here.

Run this command using:

python make_super_user

Once migrations are successfull and you have created the super user, you will find some sql insert statements in the following directoy:

└── root
    └── sql
        ├── insert_provinces.sql
        ├── currency_table_insert.sql
        ├── status_table_insert.sql
        └── terms_table_insert.sql

Run these scripts in order as shown above to insert data into their respective tables.

Then we start the app using the domain you specified

python runserver

7. Let’s get started - Deployment !

Follow this guide to deloy the app on your own server

Deploy to your own server

Contributor Guide

Interested in contributing? Check out our to find resources around contributing.
