nazar-pc / ronion

Generic anonymous routing protocol framework agnostic to encryption algorithm and transport layer
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anonymous mix-network onion p2p routing tor

Ronion Travis CI

Generic anonymous routing protocol framework agnostic to encryption algorithm and transport layer.

This repository contains high level design overview (, specification for implementors ( and reference implementation.


This protocol and reference implementation are intended to be secure, but until proper independent audit is conducted you shouldn't consider it to actually be secure and shouldn't use in production applications.

Current status

Specification and design are not finalized yet, but seem good already.

Implementation API should be near stable and unlikely to change unless major spec changes are needed.

Still considered unstable, so be careful and make sure to report any issues you encounter. Project is covered with tests though to ensure it works as intended (see tests directory).

How to install

npm install ronion

How to use


var ronion = require('ronion')

// Do stuff


requirejs(['ronion'], function (ronion) {
    // Do stuff

Implementation API

Below if the list of public interfaces (constructors, methods and events) that are available. Tests in tests directory can be used as an additional source of usage examples (not necessarily secure though!).

Ronion(version : number, packet_size : number, address_length : number, mac_length : number, max_pending_segments = 10 : number) : Ronion

Constructor used to create Ronion instance.

Will only process packets with specified version of specified size (will ignore others), expects fixed-size address and MAC length.

Ronion.process_packet(address : Uint8Array, packet : Uint8Array)

Processes incoming packet.

Ronion.create_request(address : Uint8Array, command_data : Uint8Array) : Uint8Array

Generates packet with CREATE_REQUEST command in order to create the first segment in routing path.

This method can be called multiple times, in case of Noise NK handshake command_data will contain handshake message.

Method returns segment_id that together with address is used to identify the routing path.

Ronion.confirm_outgoing_segment_established(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array)

Confirms that the first segment of routing path was established after sending CREATE_REQUEST and receiving CREATE_RESPONSE.

Ronion.create_response(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array, command_data : Uint8Array) : Uint8Array

Generates packet with CREATE_RESPONSE command as an answer to CREATE_REQUEST command.

This method is called exactly once in response to each CREATE_REQUEST.

Ronion.confirm_incoming_segment_established(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array)

Confirms that the segment of routing path with address was established after receiving CREATE_REQUEST and sending CREATE_RESPONSE.

Ronion.extend_request(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array, next_node_address : Uint8Array, command_data : Uint8Array)

Extends routing path by one more segment to next_node_address (generates packet with EXTEND_REQUEST command to the last node in routing path).

This method can be called multiple times, in case of Noise NK handshake command_data will contain handshake message.

Ronion.confirm_extended_path(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array)

Confirms that the routing path was extended by one more segment successfully.

Ronion.destroy(address : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array)

Removes any mapping that uses specified address and segment ID, considers connection to be destroyed. : Uint8Array, segment_id : Uint8Array, target_address : Uint8Array, command : number, command_data : Uint8Array)

Send command_data data to the target_address node on routing path.

Ronion.get_max_command_data_length() : number

Returns maximum number of bytes that command_data in other methods might contain.

Ronion.on(event: string, callback: Function) : Ronion

Register event handler.

Ronion.once(event: string, callback: Function) : Ronion

Register one-time event handler (just on() + off() under the hood). string[, callback: Function]) : Ronion

Unregister event handler.

Event: activity

Payload consists of two Uint8Array arguments: address and segment_id.

Event is fired when packet is sent/received from/to address with segment ID segment_id.

This event can be used to track when packets are flowing on certain address and segment_id and decide when to consider routing path as inactive and destroy it.

Event: send

Payload consists of two Uint8Array arguments: address and packet.

Event is fired when packet needs to be sent to address node.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure.

Event: create_request

Payload consists of three Uint8Array arguments: address, segment_id and command_data.

Event is fired when CREATE_REQUEST command was received from address with segment ID segment_id. command_data contains the data that were specified during Ronion.create_request method call on address.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure.

Event: create_response

Payload consists of three Uint8Array arguments: address, segment_id and command_data.

Event is fired when CREATE_RESPONSE command was received from address with segment ID segment_id. command_data contains the data that were specified during Ronion.create_response method call on address.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure.

Event: extend_response

Payload consists of three Uint8Array arguments: address, segment_id and command_data.

Event is fired when EXTEND_RESPONSE command was received from address with segment ID segment_id as an answer to Ronion.extend_request method call. command_data contains the data that were specified by the node next_node_address from Ronion.extend_request method call.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure.

Event: data

Payload consists of five arguments, all of which except command are Uint8Array: address, segment_id, target_address, command and command_data.

Event is fired when DATA command was received from address with segment ID segment_id. command is application-defined command and command_data contains data being sent to this node. target_address shows where data came from (useful on initiator side).

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure.

Event: encrypt

Payload object (all properties are Uint8Array):

{address, segment_id, target_address, plaintext, ciphertext : null}

Event is fired when plaintext from payload needs to be encrypted for node target_address on the routing path that starts with address and segment ID segment_id.

Ciphertext upon successful encryption should be placed into ciphertext property of the payload.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure. Any errors thrown in even handler will be silently ignored.

Event: decrypt

Payload object (all properties are Uint8Array):

{address, segment_id, target_address, ciphertext, plaintext : null}

Event is fired when ciphertext from payload needs to be decrypted as if it comes from node target_address on the routing path that starts with address and segment ID segment_id.

Plaintext upon successful decryption should be placed into plaintext property of the payload.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure. Any errors thrown in even handler will be silently ignored.

Event: wrap

Payload object (all properties are Uint8Array):

{address, segment_id, target_address, unwrapped, wrapped : null}

Event is fired when unwrapped from payload needs to be wrapped (encrypted without authentication) for node target_address on the routing path that starts with address and segment ID segment_id.

Wrapped ciphertext upon successful wrapping should be placed into wrapped property of the payload.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure. Any errors thrown in even handler will be silently ignored.

Event: unwrap

Payload object (all properties are Uint8Array):

{address, segment_id, target_address, wrapped, unwrapped : null}

Event is fired when wrapped from payload needs to be unwrapped (decrypted without authentication) as if it comes from node target_address on the routing path that starts with address and segment ID segment_id.

Unwrapped ciphertext upon successful unwrapping should be placed into unwrapped property of the payload.

false or Promise.reject() can be returned from event handler in order to indicate non-fatal failure. Any errors thrown in even handler will be silently ignored.


Feel free to create issues and send pull requests (for big changes create an issue first and link it from the PR), they are highly appreciated!

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Implementation: Free Public License 1.0.0 / Zero Clause BSD License

Specification and design: public domain