nazary001 / Full-Stack-Project-Assessment

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Video Recommendation App


Before you continue to final projects we have to make sure that you can meaningfully contribute to a technical project.

This means that we need to be sure that you can create a Full Stack App.


In this project you will be building a project that fulfills the following User Stories

You don't need to worry about storing the video content itself - we'll rely on YouTube for this.


This project is split into several levels that you should complete each week of the three week project.

You can find each of the levels split into separate files, linked below.

Note: Some of the levels are optional which means that you will build a working project without them. However, to make something really impressive you will need to complete as much as you can.

Week 1 - Front End

Week 2 - Back End (without Database)

Week 3 - Back End (with Database)

Sample Solution

Here is an example solution of the Front End:

Note: You can design the website to look however you like.

Here is an example solution for the Back End:


You are welcome to use Bootstrap or any other design framework to help you build this app.

Getting Started

Fork this repository and then clone it to your computer.

Progress to Level 100 when you are ready.