nbd-wtf / obw

Open Bitcon Wallet (OBW) is a lightweight Android Bitcoin and Lightning wallet
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 18 forks source link
android bitcoin hosted-channels lightning-network lnurl namedesc privacy wallet

 NBD logo > Open Bitcoin Wallet (OBW)

OBW - The Open Bitcoin Wallet

The Open Bitcoin Wallet (OBW) is an Android Bitcoin and Lightning wallet, a fork of Simple Bitcoin Wallet focused on providing a pleasant and simple experience with advanced features.

How to install OBW

To install the Open Bitcoin Wallet you have 3 options right now:

  1. Grab an APK from the releases page
  2. Download from Google Play
  3. Build from source (see instructions below)

OBW features

Some of the features OBW includes are:

Obi Wan fights using the Open Bitcoin Wallet (OBW)

How to build OBW from source

To build the Open Bitcoin Wallet run this:

git clone https://github.com/nbd-wtf/obw.git
cd obw
./gradlew assembleDebug

The APK will be at app/build/outputs/apk/debug.

Other commands: ./gradlew installDebug, ./gradlew assembleRelease, ./gradlew bundleRelease (with Gradle options -PSTORE_FILE=... -PSTORE_PASSWORD=... -PKEY_PASSWORD=... -PKEY_ALIAS=... when signing to publish to Google Play Store).


Open Bitcoin Wallet (OBW) is based on Immortan, a versatile, flexible and reasonable library for building lightweight Bitcoin and Lightning wallets.

