nbonamy / xfinity-usage-tracker

Track your Xfinity data usage in Google Spreasheet
MIT License
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comcast dataplan google-sheets tracking xfinity xfinity-bandwidth


This tool tracks your Xfinity usage and:


jantman is the original author of xfinity-usage but xfinity-usage-tracker uses a slightly modified version: https://github.com/nbonamy/xfinity-usage.

Python dependencies can be installed using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Chromedriver must be installed manually and available in your PATH.


The script requires a number of configuration values to be defined. You can define them as environment variables or in a JSON configuration file. It should be named config.json and placed in the same folder as the script. You can use config-sample.json as as starting point. Some of the configuration variables can be specified from the command line. Run with --help to learn about it.

Configuration variables are loaded in the following order of priority:

Xfinity data collection

Xfinity data collection requires two variables:

As Comcast takes some time to reflect your latest usage, you can choose to offset the timestamp of the usage collected. For instance, if you think Comcast numbers reflect your usage 4 hours ago, you can offset this using XFINITY_OFFSET with a value of -4. So for instance, if you run the script at 3 am with this setting, the usage from the day before will be updated (3 am minus four hours is 11 pm from the previous day).

Mail alert

The script can alert you if your data usage is above a certain threshold of what it should be. For instance, if your data cap is 1024 GB, and today is half month, you should have used no more than 512 GB. The script can alert you if you used more than 90% (can be changed) of those 512 GB so far.

Configuration values are:

If you use a gmail account, you can only setup XFINITY_SMTP_USER and XFINITY_SMTP_PASS. All other parameters will be set automatically. It is recommended to generate an App Password (https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords).

Tracking spreadsheet

google spreadsheet

To automatically update the tracking spreadsheet, first make a copy of the template spreadsheet in your Google Drive.

You then need then to enable API access to this copy. Please follow the instructions here: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/02/an-easy-way-to-read-and-write-to-a-google-spreadsheet-in-python.html. Save the JSON credentials as client_secret.json in the same folder as the script. Do not forget to share the spreadsheet with the email address specified in client_secret.json (client_email key).

Once this is done, you need to define the following configuration:

You can also override the date format used:

Usage data can be archived: at the beginning of each month, the detailed usage data will be copied to a new spreadsheet. This is disabled by default but you can enable it by setting the XFINITY_SAVE_HISTORY configuration value to true.


You can use your favorite scheduler (cron or Windows Task Scheduler) to automatically launch the script. If you want to track usage for each calendar day, then at least schedule it to run at 11.55pm (although there is some delay in Comcast update of your usage). It is recommended to run it only once a day: if you decide to run it more often, please check the disclaimer on https://github.com/jantman/xfinity-usage: it is also valid for xfinity-usage-tracker.

Behind a webserver

Configuring your favorite webserver (Apache or Nginx) is not documented here. You need to run the script as a CGI script.

An index page is provided to nicely display your current usage and provide a link to refresh the data from Xfinity.


When run from the command line, you can force logging to a file with the --log option. When run as a CGI script, logging to file is always enabled.