nbusseneau / BetterCartographyTable

Valheim mod that allows precise control over sharing pins and map exploration via cartography tables. Supports private pins, public pins, and guild pins. Supports NoMap runs.
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mod valheim

Better™ Cartography Table

Valheim mod that allows precise control over sharing pins and map exploration via cartography tables. Supports private pins, public pins, and guild pins. Supports NoMap runs, giving cartography tables a purpose in NoMap. Translations available.

Video showcase

(Click on items to show details)

Private and public pins Astrid and Brynhild are playing together, however Astrid has a tad too many mushroom pins for Brynhild's liking. Thanks to **Better™ Cartography Table**, their friendship is safe, as Astrid can selectively decide which pins to share on the **public cartography table**. https://github.com/nbusseneau/BetterCartographyTable/assets/4659919/e13e6267-88ad-4aee-bdfe-f78e807bc2f8
Real-time collaboration Astrid and Brynhild are planning their next expedition. Thanks to **Better™ Cartography Table**, it will be a great success, as they can collaborate and prepare it in real time on the **public cartography table**. https://github.com/nbusseneau/BetterCartographyTable/assets/4659919/e535a301-994f-4129-b9ec-3e51685bab2c
Guild pins Astrid and Brynhild are members of rival guilds (The Mushroom Enjoyers and The Ground Shakers), and neither wants their archnemesis to know about their secret hideout. Thanks to **Better™ Cartography Table**, their rivalry is fueled, as guild members can share **guild-only pins** on their **guild-restricted cartography table**. https://github.com/nbusseneau/BetterCartographyTable/assets/4659919/421e90b4-f00f-4047-b9ce-3839ac499035


But why?

The vanilla cartography table is extremely quirky. This often leads to frustration on multiplayer servers when multiple players interact with the table on a regular basis, as shared pins seem to disappear / reappear constantly, and crossing off shared pins does not update the table.

On top of that, since the vanilla cartography table is "all or nothing", some players might refrain from engaging altogether. This is typically the case for those that like to meticulously pin all berries / copper veins / etc. but don't want others to yell at them for cluttering the table, or those that do not want to share some super secret locations they would prefer to keep private.

And of course, the vanilla cartography table has no purpose in NoMap runs.

Vanilla cartography tables, but Better™

The goal of this mod is to stick as close as possible to the vanilla experience. We keep cartography tables relevant for sharing both pins and map exploration, same as in vanilla: players must still interact with the same cartography table on a regular basis to synchronize progress with other players. For NoMap runs, the goal is to give cartography tables a purpose.

How it works (click to show details) - When opening the map without interacting with a **cartography table**: - Your **private pins** can be interacted with, same as in vanilla. - **Public** or **guild pins** previously retrieved from a **cartography table** can be shown or hidden (akin to vanilla shared pins), but cannot be interacted with (cannot cross off, cannot remove). - In `NoMap` runs, the map will still refuse to open: it can only open by interacting with a **cartography table**. - When hovering a **cartography table**: - Text will appear (akin to vanilla) and list information about the table and how to interact with it. - If [**Guilds**](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Smoothbrain/Guilds/) is installed, the table can be switched between **public mode** (default) or **guild mode**. When a table is in **guild mode**, only its guild members can interact with it. - When interacting with a **cartography table**: - Retrieve other players' **map exploration** currently shared to the table, same as in vanilla. - If **map exploration** sharing is in **public mode** (default) or **guild mode** (and we are interacting with a **guild table**), share your **map exploration** to the table. - Retrieve **public** or **guild pins** currently shared to the table. - Open the map: - Your **private pins** can be interacted with, same as in vanilla, but can additionally be shared to the table (becoming **public** or **guild pins**). - **Public** or **guild pins** can be crossed off / removed akin to vanilla, or unshared from the table (becoming **private pins** on your map). - When multiple players interact with the same **cartography table** at the same time, all changes to **public** or **guild pins** are reflected in real time.


With vanilla clients / clients not using the mod

Public and guild pins are stored separately from the vanilla shared pins in the cartography table, thus there is no conflict between clients using the mod and clients not using the mod: all can interact with the same cartography tables. Additionally, clients using the mod will copy public pins to the vanilla shared pins, allowing clients not using the mod to receive them seamlessly. However, clients not using the mod are not able to contribute back: clients using the mod can only receive pins from other clients also using the mod.

With other mods

Better™ Cartography Table tries to play nice with other mods by isolating its behaviour as much as possible, and failing that by trying to ensure the other mods will contribute pins in a compatible way. Nevertheless, there might be instances where other mods interacting with pins will result in incompatiblities. Feel free to report any issue you find.


Better™ Cartography Table comes with the following languages available out of the box:

To add a new language as a user:

If you localize Better™ Cartography Table for your own language, you are most welcome to send your translation file my way, and I will integrate it as part of the languages available by default.


In other words:

Thunderstore (recommended)

Manually (not recommended)