nc-minibbs / mbbs

A repository for the Mini-Bird Breeding Survey data
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What are "hab_*" columns in historical data? #103

Open bsaul opened 1 week ago

bsaul commented 1 week ago

In the historical files that were transcribed from the website, I found habitat data in the following form:

# A tibble: 8,276 × 8
    year route_num county  hab_hm hab_p hab_o hab_b hab_other
   <int>     <int> <chr>   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>    
 1  2004         1 chatham 25     15    15    30    15       
 2  2004         1 chatham 25     15    15    30    15       
 3  2004         1 chatham 25     15    15    30    15       
 4  2004         1 chatham 25     15    15    30    15   

I assume that these are percentages for habitat types. Do y'all know? I'm not sure what to do with this data. Here's the proportion of route/years by county that have this habitat data in the csv files:

  county  has_habitat
  <chr>         <dbl>
1 chatham       0.594
2 durham        0.746
3 orange        0.550
IJBG commented 5 days ago

I don't know, but it seems a safe assumption