This repository contains code to download and analyze data from the Mini-Bird Breeding Surveys conducted in Orange, Chatham, and Durham counties.
After a fresh new year and a new series of surveys, here's the walkthrough of how to update this repository with the latest information
You'll want the 'NC Mini BBS Route Runners' google sheet up to check which routes ought to have been run, and who you should get in touch with if they haven't been. You'll check the routes on all three ebird accounts. Update the 'sampling events' tab with comments as needed.
Check that all the routes are accounted for
Check that all routes have 20 stops
Does Stop 1 have environmental data? Are the types of data written correctly? The only required information is the observers=
Here's an example of what this environmental data might look like:
observers=Allen Hurlbert, Sarah Pollack; weather=55 F, clear; notes=big thunderstorm last night, everything wet; vehicles=3 (or v=3); habitat=B,H (or h=B,H).
Habitat data may only be recorded if something's changed from the last years.
Potential errors
Do the other stops have comments? Are the comments formatted correctly?
Are all the routes sorted under the right county?
Now that the data is QC'd, download the ebird data from all the accounts (it will be sent to Allen's email initially) and add it to mbbs/inst/extdata. You'll rename the files to MyEbirdData_[COUNTY]_[YYYYMMDD]
. IMPORTANT! DO NOT open the files in excel. If you want to check the data open the .csv in R. Opening the files in excel may change the date format and cause errors when processing the data. If you get an error later on relating to an invalid date format, redownload the data.
Download the latest version of the eBird taxonomy CSV to the inst/taxonomy folder. You can find the latest version of the taxonomy at
The file should be named with the format ebird_taxonomy_vYYYY
(it should download in this format) Leave previous versions in the file.
Run the import_data.R
file located in mbbs/inst. Every other R code in the project contributes to this file, and it's the one thing that needs to run to update the data. You can see it calls library(mbbs) to use all the functions contained in the package. If you can't load library(mbbs) run the following lines:
To run the new data, first you'll need to replace the .csv files being read in to create the Orange, Durham, and Chatham dataframes. You'll replace the dates in lines 18, 33, and 48 ie:
with the dates for the new ebird downloads that you added to inst/extdata in step 2. ie:
Ensure in changing the code that each line is still reading in correct county's .csv, and that for example the mbbs_orange variable is not now getting the new Durham csv. Now, run the code.
As you import the data for each county, warning messages may appear in the console. ie: "The following year/route don't have either 1 or 20 checklists:". Follow up on these messages - first check for a note in the NC Mini BBS Route Runners sheet (in the sampling events tab), then fix any errors, and finally redownload the data from ebird as necessary.
In lines 61-63 if everything's gone well, we've now updated the mbbs datasets with the new year's info. Open up your file explorer and make sure the date modified matches your current date and that they've been changed successfully. Because we want to create a backup of this specific download, the R script will also automatically create a new csv version labeled with the day's date stored in inst/analysis_data.
If you get an error at any point, the two other key R scripts are found in the mbbs/R folder. prepare_mbbs_data
formats the data from 1999-2010 from the old website and is unlikely to be a source of error. import_ebird_data
is where you can see how the data's being processed and where you'll be able to find an explanation for your error.