nc-minibbs / mbbs

A repository for the Mini-Bird Breeding Survey data
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What's going on in 2009? #19

Closed bsaul closed 2 years ago

bsaul commented 2 years ago

@ahhurlbert, There's definitely something going on with 2009 data, especially with Durham and Chatham.

Here's a snippet of survey counts by year/county.

> survey %>% group_by(mbbs_county, year) %>% tally() %>% print(n = 64)
# A tibble: 64 × 3
# Groups:   mbbs_county [3]
   mbbs_county  year     n
8 chatham      2007    14
9 chatham      2008    14
10 chatham      2009     1
11 chatham      2010    12

28 durham       2007     8
29 durham       2008     8
30 durham       2010     6

50 orange       2007    12
51 orange       2008    12
52 orange       2009    11
53 orange       2010     8

I haven't dug into causes of this yet -- just starting this issue to create a task.

bsaul commented 2 years ago

Here's our answer:

> import_ebird_data('inst/extdata/MyEBirdData_Durham_20211030.csv') %>%
+   filter(year == 2009) %>%
+   distinct(route_num)
# A tibble: 0 × 1
# … with 1 variable: route_num <int>
> import_ebird_data('inst/extdata/MyEBirdData_Chatham_20211030.csv') %>%
+   filter(year == 2009) %>%
+   distinct(route_num)
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1         7

There's no ebird data for Durham in 2009, and only data for a single Chatham route in 2009.

Clearly the thing to do is start using ebird data in 2010.