Open IJBG opened 9 months ago
There's only one checklist where the information is in the overall checklist note by quarter stops. I played around with getting this information through regex statements, but there's so much chasing down of typos, and it needed a whole function built. I just wound up editing this checklist to have the stop information in the notes from each bird. Any 1-5 went to route 1, 6-10 went to route 6, etc. This edit, and one I made to a Chatham to fix a typo during while getting the stop level from species_comments, will get caught the next time all the ebird data gets downloaded.
After checking there's no lingering work and doing the CRAN checks, go ahead and pull request + merge + close the species_comments branch. Pivoting the datasets and the other marks on this checklist can be their own branch.
Species comments, historical data, and the transcripbed paper files should all be set to save to a .csv and not need to be updated every year. These will be static documents, don't need to be part of a yearly update. They can get updated manually if more data comes in and they need to be.
This will also prevent needing to add more exceptions to species comments every time someone adds a stray comment with a number to their species description on ebird