nc-minibbs / mbbs

A repository for the Mini-Bird Breeding Survey data
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Stop_Num Processing #42

Open IJBG opened 4 months ago

IJBG commented 4 months ago
IJBG commented 3 months ago

There's only one checklist where the information is in the overall checklist note by quarter stops. I played around with getting this information through regex statements, but there's so much chasing down of typos, and it needed a whole function built. I just wound up editing this checklist to have the stop information in the notes from each bird. Any 1-5 went to route 1, 6-10 went to route 6, etc. This edit, and one I made to a Chatham to fix a typo during while getting the stop level from species_comments, will get caught the next time all the ebird data gets downloaded.

IJBG commented 2 months ago

After checking there's no lingering work and doing the CRAN checks, go ahead and pull request + merge + close the species_comments branch. Pivoting the datasets and the other marks on this checklist can be their own branch.