ncihtan / htan_missing_manual

The HTAN Manual
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The HTAN Manual

Written by the HTAN Data Coordinating Center (DCC), with contributions from Adam Taylor, Clarisse Lau, Vésteinn Thorsson, Ino de Bruijn, David Gibbs, Ethan Cerami, Alex Lash and Jen Altreuter.

About this Manual

The HTAN Manual provides an overview of Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) data, including the various levels of data access. If you have any questions regarding the manual or HTAN data, please contact us: HTAN Help Desk.

The manual can be found at

If you have feedback for this manual, including broken links or incorrect information, please submit a ticket to the HTAN Help Desk.

Content Updates

Date Comment Changes summary
2024-10-04 Added FAQ, Governance, HTAN Usage Statistics
2024-07-12 Updates to Data Access to reflect CDS/CGC changes
2024-04-01 Third version of manual Simplified Data Model section; added "Submitting Data" and "Additional Information" Sections
2023-06-01 Second version of manual
2022-09-28 First version of manual