ncoa / hapid_api_documentation

HAPID API Documentation
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HAPID API Documentation

Hi! Welcome to the HAPID API documentation. This documentation is meant for external developers that will interact with HAPID and will provide you with everything you need to know in order to create great applications.

Table of Contents

  1. The Data Model
  2. Getting Authorized
  3. Workshops

    3.1. Creating a Workshop

  4. Participants

    4.1 Creating a Participant

  5. Appendix

Data Model

Here is a model that provides a high-level overview of objects and their relationships.

Approved Data Model - DM v 3 Hierachy Model


Here we are going to show you how to utilize the 3 legged authorization process.


The three-legged OAuth process (3LO) in HAPI-D is used to grant an application the necessary permissions to access data on behalf of the user without revealing the user's credentials to the application. The three "legs" represent the three parties involved in the process: the user, the application, and the HAPI-D platform. This process makes use of authenticate_code to ensure secure access to the user's data.

You will need to obtain a <client_id> and '' by emailing to authenticate your application with HAPI-D.

This document summarizes the three-legged OAuth process for applications interested in API integration with HAPI-D. For complete documentation of the Oauth 2.0 implementation, please review the documentation found on the Salesforce Help Site


The 3LO process consists of the following steps:

  1. User Authorization: The user authenticates with HAPI-D and grants the application permission to access their data.
  2. Application Gets Authorization Code: HAPI-D redirects the user back to the application, including an authorization code in the URL.
  3. Application Exchanges Authorization Code for an Access Token: The application sends the authorization code back to HAPI-D to be exchanged for an access token.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: User Authorization

Your application should redirect the user to HAPI-D authorization endpoint. The URL should be of the following format:

And is required to have the following URL parameters:


The optional URL parameter below is recommended and used to implement PKCE.

code_challenge=<SHA256 hash value of the code_verifier>

Step 2: Get Authorization Code

After users approve access to the app, HAPI-D redirects users to the callback URL (<redirect_uri>), where they can view the callback with an authorization code.

The first part of the callback is the connected app's callback URL: <redirect_uri>. The second part is the authorization code that the connected app uses to get an access token: code=<authorization code>. The authorization code expires after 15 minutes.

Step 3: Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token

The application can now exchange the authorization code for an access token by sending a POST request to the HAPI-D token request endpoint.

The request should include the following URL parameters:

If the request is successful, the response will be a JSON object containing an access_token , refresh_token and a id. An example of the Id response can be seen below. image

Using the Access Token

Once the application has the access token, it can use it to authenticate requests to Salesforce's API.

To use the access token, include it in the Authorization header of the HTTP request. The header should look like:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

For example, to use the access token to query data, you could make a GET request to the query endpoint like so:

GET /services/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT+name,id+FROM+Account
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

To interact with the sObject API, you could make a GET request to the sobjects endpoint like so:

GET /services/data/v50.0/sobjects/Account/<id>
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Remember to replace <access_token> with your actual access token in each of the above examples. If using a sandbox, remember to use the correct host for your environment in the format ncoa1--<environment>

Using the Refresh Token

Your app can use the refresh token to get a new access token by sending the following refresh token POST requests to the HAPI-D token endpoint: /services/oauth2/token.

POST /services/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

If using a sandbox, remember to use the correct host for your environment in the format ncoa1--<environment>

If the request is successful, the response will be a JSON object containing an access_token.


Three-legged OAuth provides a secure and user-friendly way for your application to access a user's data on HAPI-D. By following the process outlined in this document, your application can get the necessary permissions to access and manipulate a user's HAPI-D data without ever needing to handle their HAPI-D credentials.

Preliminary steps to determine the User type

Step:1 If you logged in as a grantee:

Please follow the below process to identify your user details

API endpoint:,+Username,+Lastname,+Firstname,+Email,+IsActive,+UserType,+EPD_Account_ID__c,+CompanyName+from+User+where+IsActive=true+and+Id='XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

Replace ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' with the ID that was saved with the Access token call (Authorization API) image The response gives the ID, username, first and last names, email, and account ID of the user.


If you logged in as a vendor or host organization:

Please follow the below process to identify your user details

API endpoint:,+Username,+Lastname,+Firstname,+Email,+IsActive,+UserType,+EPD_Account_ID__c,+CompanyName+from+User+where+IsActive=true+and+Id='XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

Replace ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' with the ID that was saved with the Access token call (Authorization API) image The response gives ID, Username, First and Last names, Email and account ID of the User

Step:3 Please follow the below process to identify the Grantee details from the Retrieve a Grantee to Host Organization

API endpoint:,+Grantee__c,+Grantee_Name__c,+Host_Organization_Name__c,+Logged_in_User_at_Host_Org__c,+New_Account_Data__c,+Site_Type__c+from+epd_Grantee_to_Host_Organization__c+where+ Host_Organization__c=' 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

Replace ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ with your Host organization ID or Account ID from the above step 2.

The Response gives Name, Grantee ID , Grantee name, Host organization name and Site type. If the Host organization is listed in the response, please select it and keep the ID ready to create the workshop or else, you can create one using Step 2 Adding a Host organization.


If you are the Vendor but also a Grantee with NCOA, please follow the process outlined in Step 1 above.


A Workshop is the key object that links Programs, Program Targets, Grantee, Host Organization, Implementation Sites, and Facilitator with Participant pre and post survey data. It will also hold key aggregate information from the Participants related to the Workshop.

Screenshot 2022-08-25 222133

Creating a Workshop

This is a step-by-step guide to creating a new Workshop.


In order to create a Workshop, you must first find or create the following.

  1. Check if the host organization already exists in the HAPI database. Steps are given: Host Organization look up.
  2. If the host organization does not exist, you will be able to add the same. Steps are given: Adding a Host organization.
  3. Check if the Implementation site already exists in HAPI-D: Steps are given: Implementation Sites look up.
  4. If the Implementation Site does not exist, you will be able to add the same. Steps are given: Adding an Implementation Site.
  5. Check if the Program already exists in the HAPI database. Steps are given: Program look up
  6. Retrieve all Funding sources and program targets from the HAPI database and select one from the list. Steps are given: Program Targets look up
  7. Filter the Survey name based on survey ID that was selected from Step 9. Steps are given: Survey Template lookup
  8. Check if a facilitator already exists in the HAPI database. Steps are given: Facilitator look up.

Find or Create Host Organization Account

Use this API call to query the list of Host Organizations. From there, filter the results based on the Name or Id of your Organization.

GET Name,+BillingStateCode,+BillingCity,+Host_Organization__c+from+Account+where+Host_Organization__c+in+('Validated','Unvalidated')

The response gives the Account Name, Billing state code, City. If the Host organization is listed in the response, please select it and keep the ID ready for to create the workshop or else, you can create one.

If your Organization is not found, you can add it using the following API endpoint and request body with your organization's information. You can find allowable values for Site_Type__c here.

  "Name": "Your Account Name",
  "Site_Type__c": "Your Site Type",
  "BillingCity": "Your City",
  "BillingStreet": "Your Street Address",
  "BillingState": "Your State",
  "BillingPostalCode": "Your Postal Code"

If the Host Organization was successfully created, an Id will be generated and the response will look similar to this:

    "id": "001DG00001d2li0YER",
    "success": true,
    "errors": []

Find or Create Implementation Site

Use this API call to query the list of Implementation Sites to find yours:


The response gives the Implementation Site Name, ID, City, Street and State. If the implementation site is listed in the response, please select the respective ID for workshop creation or else, you can create one.

If your Implementation Site is not listed, use the following API endpoint and request body to create one with your information. You can find allowable values for Site_Type__c here.

  "Name": "Your Implementation Site Name",
  "Site_Type__c": "Your Site Type",
  "City__c": "Your City",
  "Street__c": "Your Street Address",
  "State__c": "Your State",
  "Zipcode__c": "Your Zip Code"

If creating an Implementation Site was successful, an Id will be generated and the response will look similar to this:

    "id": "a0rDG000005N563TRE",
    "success": true,
    "errors": []

Find Program

Use the following API call to query the list of Programs to find yours. Use either Type_of_Program__c='CDSME' or Type_of_Program__c='Falls+Prevention' to filter on the CDSME and Falls Prevention program types respectively.


The response returns the Id and Name values for all the active programs based on the program filters. You will be able to select one from the list.

Find Program Target

Use the following API call to find your Program Target. Replace Program__c+=+'XXXXXXXXXX' with the Program Id from the previous step.


The Response gives ID, Funding source ID, Funding Source Name, Survey template ID and description details. Select and make a note of the appropriate Funding source and Program target and make a note of the ID, Funding source ID for future steps.

Find Survey Template

Use the following API call to find your Survey Template. Replace ID=’XXXXXXXXXX’ with the Survey Template Id from the previous step.


The Response gives the ID, Survey Template Name, Program type, Start Date of the survey template. Make a note of Survey template ID for Workshop creation.

Find Facilitators

In order to find the existing facilitators, Please use the below API :


The response gives the ID, Contact ID, First and Last name, Email ID . If the Facilitator is listed in the response, please select it or else, you can create a Contact and then a Facilitator as per Step 12.

Creating a Workshop

Create a Workshop:

If the Facilitator exists in HAPI Database: After the Workshop is created, please proceed with adding the workshop details to epd_workshop_to_target__c and epd_Facilitator__c objects as per Steps: 9, 11.

If the Facilitator DOES NOT exist in HAPI Database:

After the Workshop is created, please proceed with adding epd_workshop_to_target__c objects. Them, Create a Contact and add workshop and contact details to epd_Facilitator__c.

API Call:


Sample Request Body:

    "Host_Organization__c": "0013i000036abWdAAI", 
    "Implementation_Site__c": "a0r3i000003k1HoAAI",
    "Program_Type__c": "Falls Prevention",
    "NCOA_Program__c": "a0s3i00000BdcvqAAB",
    "Program_Delivery__c": "In-person", 
    "Workshop_Start_Date__c": "2023-10-01", 
    "Workshop_End_Date__c": "2023-10-04",
    "Local_name_for_this_workshop_optional__c": "Sample",
    "Workshop_Language__c": "English", 
    "Workshop_Language_Other__c": "", 
    "Session_0__c": "Yes",
    "Fee__c": "20",
    "Notes__c": "Thank you", 
    "Number_of_sessions__c": "2", 
    "Survey_Template__c": "a103i00000L6AayAAF"

Updating Worksop to Target Object

Update workshop details to Workshop to Target object. Endpoint:


Sample Request Body:

    "Workshop__c": "a13DG0000089x7kYAA", 
    "Program_Target__c": "a0u3i00000BTUUcAAP"

Sample Response:

    "id": "a12DG00000Ks93FYAR",
    "success": true,
    "errors": []

Create Contact

Please use the below endpoint and request body to create a new contact.


Sample Request body:

    "Salutation": "Mr.", 
    "FirstName": "Maddy", 
    "MiddleName": "S", 
    "LastName": "Testing", 
    "Suffix": "Jr.", 
    "Email": "", 
    "Title": "Facilitator", 
    "HasOptedOutOfEmail": "false", 
    "Employee_Type__c": "Volunteer", 
    "AccountId": "001DG00001d2li0YAA"

Title can always be defaulted on Facilitator. AccountId is a Host organization account that was selected or created in Step 1 or Step 2. Allowed values for Salutation and Employee Type are listed in the Appendix.

Sample Response:

    "id": "003DG00003pFR4NHGT",
    "success": true,
    "errors": []

Once after creating a new Contact, please proceed with creating a new Facilitator.

Create Facilitator

Once after creating a new Contact, please proceed with creating a new Facilitator. Please use the endpoint below and request body to create a new Facilitator. Endpoint :


Sample Request body:

    "Workshop__c": "a13DG0000089x7kYAA", 
    "Contact__c": "003DG00003pFSJmYAO", 
    "Active__c": "Active",
    "Employment_Type__c": "Volunteer"

Sample Response:

    "id": "a0nDG000004E6M9YAK",
    "success": true,
    "errors": []


The Participant record is a record of an individual participant attending the Workshop session(s). As some Grantees record Participant workshop data against the Participant rather than the Workshop - the record will have a field that can optionally be used to store a non-identifiable external Id for the Grantee supplying the data. If they choose they can then match back to the Participant at a later date. Additionally the relation between Participant and Workshop record is managed through the Workshop Participant Object.

The Participant record can not be deleted (unless a request goes to NCOA). The record can be marked as Active/Inactive. If a Participant or Participant data needs to be deleted, a support ticket should be raised and NCOA will delete as appropriate.

The Participant record will hold static survey data that does not change over time.

Screenshot 2022-08-25 222216

Creating a Participant

This is how to create a participant object.

STEP1: Participants look up.



Replace the NeededId with the External Id of the participant which we need.

Sample response:

  "id": "string",  
  "Name": "string",  
  "Participant_Name_ID__c": "string" 

STEP2: Adding a Participant.

If the Participant does not exist in the Hapi database , you will be able to add the same.



Replace the ExternalIdValue with the External Id of the participant.

Sample requestbody:

  "id": "string",  
  "Name": "string",  
  "Participant_Name_ID__c": "string"  
Sample Response:  
    "id": "001DG00001d2li0YER", 
    "success": true, 
    "errors": [] 

STEP3: Survey Template lookup:



Replace XXXXXXXXXX = Template ID from the selected workshop response.


The Response gives ID, Survey template Name, Program type, Start Date of the survey template.

Make a note of Survey template ID to Retrieve the Questions in the next step.

  "id": "string",  
  "Name": "string",  
  "Template_Name__c": "string",  
  "Start_Date__c": "string",  
  "End_Date__c": "string",  
  "Last_Workshop__c": "string",  
  "Program_Type__c": "string",  
  "Details__c": "string"  

STEP4: Sections Lookup:


GET +,+id+from+epd_Survey_Section__c+Where+Survey_Template__c+=+'Tempalte Id'  

Use the Template Id retrieved from the previous step

The Response gives ID, Section Names.

Select and make a note of the id for the section names that are needed. These will be used to retrieve question assignments and questions.

Sample response:

  “Id”: “a0zDM000004O39LYAS”  ,
  "Section_Name__c": "Optional Items"  

STEP5: Questions Lookup:



Use the Template Id retrieved from the above step

The Response gives ID, API name, Object API Name and Label.

Select and make a note of the Api Name of the field in which the answer is saved for the question, and the Api name of the Object where the field for the answer is located in. These both will help in retrieving the answers for the question for the given workshop participant.

Response Body:  
  “Id”: “string”  
  "API_Name__c": "string",  
  "Object_API_Name__c": "string",  
  "Custom_Label__c": "string", 
  “Name”: “string”, 

STEP6: Saving the answers

Initial Step to fill the answers is to differentiate the questions from step8 according to the Object_API_Name__c

Based on object API name we will have 3 different objects to save the answers as per step 7,8,9

STEP7: Create or updating a Workshop Participant along with answers.

If the Workshop Participant does not exist in the Hapi database , you will be able to add the same.


Replace the ExternalIdValue with the Import Id of the participant

Use the Workshop__c value from the above

Use the Participant__c from Step1or2

USe the Survey_Template__c from workshop creation.

Use the type_of_program__c from workshop creation.

“Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”

Here Api name of question comes from step8 API_Name__c field “data type of the answer” is value of the answer to the question

Sample requestbody:


  "id": "string", 
  "Name": "string", 
  "Workshop__c": "string", 
  "Participant__c": "string", 
  "type_of_program__c": "string", 
  "survey_template__c": "string", 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”, 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer2”: “data type of the answer2”, 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer3”: “data type of the answer3” 
  And so on as per the no of answers we have for the questions 

Sample Response:

    "id": "001DG00001d2li0YER", 
    "success": true, 
    "errors": [] 

STEP8: Saving answers to participant object.{participantId}  

Replace the participantId with the External Id of the participant

“Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”

Here Api name of question comes from step6 API_Name__c field and “data type of the answer” is value of the answer to the question

Sample requestbody:

  "id": "string",  
  "Name": "string",  
  "Participant_Name_ID__c": "string" , 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”, 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer2”: “data type of the answer2”, 
  “Api name of Question to fill Answer3”: “data type of the answer3” 
  And so on as per the no of answers we have for the questions 

Sample Response:

    "id": "001DG00001d2li0YER", 
    "success": true, 
    "errors": [] 

STEP9: Saving answers to survey answer object.{externalId}  

Replace the ExternalId with the Import_ID__c of the survey answer.

“Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”

Here Api name of question comes from step8 API_Name__c field and “data type of the answer” is value of the answer to the question

Sample requestbody:  
“Api name of Question to fill Answer”: “data type of the answer”, 
“Api name of Question to fill Answer2”: “data type of the answer2”, 
“Api name of Question to fill Answer3”: “data type of the answer3” 
And so on as per the no of answers we have for the questions 

**Sample Response: **
    "id": "001DG00001d2li0YER", 
    "success": true, 
    "errors": [] 

STEP10: Get Picklist values for the fields in the object{ObjectAPIName}/describe 

Here Object API name is the variable which describes the custom object one of three below

Participant - epd_Participant__c

Survey answer - epd_Survey_Answer__c

Questions - epd_Question__c

Participants fields

All the fields pertaining to Workshop Participants , Participants and Questions objects can be referenced using the above link.


Required for API Calls

Object API Name Label Field Name
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop: Workshop Name Name
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Evidence-Based Program NCOA_Program__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Fee Fee__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Grantee Grantee__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Host Organization Host_Organization__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Program Delivery Program_Delivery__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Program Type Program_Type__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Session 0? Session_0__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Survey Template Survey_Template__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Variable Sessions Number_of_Variable_Sessions__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop End Date Workshop_End_Date__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop External ID Workshop_External_ID__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop Language Workshop_Language__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop Language Other Workshop_Language_Other__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop Start Date Workshop_Start_Date__c
Workshops epd_Workshop__c Workshop Type Other Workshop_Type_Other__c
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c Account Name: Account Name AccountId
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c Workshop Name
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c Workshop: ID
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c Contact Contact__c
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c Employment Type Employment_Type__c
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c First Name First_Name__c
Facilitators epd_Facilitator__c State State__c
Host Orgs Account Host Organization: Billing City BillingCity
Host Orgs Account Host Organization: Billing State/Province BillingState
Host Orgs Account Host Orgainzation: Billing Zip/Postal Code BillingPostalCode
Host Orgs Account Host Organization: Billing Country BillingCountry
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c Implementation Site Name Name
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c City City__c
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c Site Type Site_Type__c
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c Street Street__c
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c Zipcode Zipcode__c
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c State State__c
Implementation Sites epd_Implementation_Site__c Host Organization: Account Name

Picklist Values

Site_Type__c can be one of the following:

Program_Delivery__c can be one of the following:

Workshop_Language_Other__c can be one of the following:

Salutation can be one of the following:

Employee_Type__c to create a Contact can be one of the following:

Employee_Type__c to create a Facilitator can be one of the following: