ncovercash / MaterializeBot

Bot for Dogfalo/materialize
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Github issue management bot originally designed for Dogfalo/Materialize, but available for open use on any GitHub repository. If you want to use it, see the credit section.

This project is no longer maintained, however, if you'd like to use it, breathe life into it, or anything else, feel free to shoot me an e-mail for help/ownership/anything else!

Table of Contents


This bot is designed to automatically analyze and manage issues in a GitHub repository under a "bot" account. It can analyze many different code hosting platforms, including Codepen, JSFiddle, and markdown snippets. Additionally, it tests the code in a browser with selenium.

Known Issues

Planned Features


Issue analyzation

Issues are gathered from a growing list of sources based on the contents of the issue body.
Currently supported platforms:

The code garnered is analyzed in the following ways:

HTML Static Analysis (Tidy utility)

Using the Tidy HTML clean and repair utility, this bot is able to easily detect document tree errors such as unclosed elements, <li> outside of lists, and much more. More info

JavaScript Static Analysis (jshint utility)

JSHint is a popular static analysis tool for the javascript language. It can detect errors in syntax, as well as more advanced errors such as variable typing. More info

Specific Project Checks

Preloaded with materialize definitions, but fully customizable, these checks are able to check advanced associations within code. These are typical to ensure proper initialization and HTML structure. These can be specified through the PlatformCheck class.

Runtime Console Warnings and Errors

Additionally, the provided code is run in the latest Google Chrome build using Selenium Webdriver. As a result, many other runtime errors can be found and returned to the issue owner.

Inclusion-related Error Detection

On most platforms, the bot is able to detect when a configurable library is not included. This prevents errors where the library isn't properly included in the demo.


Each code example posted is rendered through Selenium on the latest Google Chrome build, screenshotted, and uploaded to a temporary git repository. This repository is configurable, and by default deletes images and the history associated, as to use as little space as possible on GitHub.

This was attempted using other APIs, such as Imgur; however, the time between requests was simply too slow.

Similar Issue Search

Based on configurable keywords, the bot is able to search and return a list of, preferably closed, issues pertaining to that category.


Without making a new issue, the owner can request the bot re-analyze their code using a simple command @BotName reanalyze. This thread runs asynchronously to the main one, allowing for new issues to take priority. Additionally, it edits its previous analyzation(s) to say "This comment is out of date. See below for an updated analyzation."

Auto closure

The bot can automatically close issues after a certain period of inactivity has elapsed.

Pull Request Detection

The bot can detect when a PR has been mentioned in an open issue. This allows the bot to assign a label to the issue as a response. Furthermore, a @BotName ignore-pr command is available to stop this action.

Label Assignment

The bot adds labels automatically to issues and uses a configurable suffix to do so. The "awaiting response" label is used when errors have been detected and, as a result, is awaiting reanalyzation. The issue owner can remove this label if this is incorrect, and it will not be assigned again. If the issue is reanalyzed and the issues are resolved, the label will be removed. Additionally, as mentioned in the previous section, the "has-pr" label is added or removed based on whether there is a PR mentioned, or the ignore-pr keyword was mentioned respectively.


Through POSIX, this bot is able to run multiple threads simultaneously, allowing for speedy responses. There is currently a main thread, which checks new issues, reanalyze, which reanalyzes per request, and the has_pr thread, which scans for and adds the has-pr label to issues with a PR mentioned in the comments.


There are 3 main files which contain configuration information, listed in order of importance:


This file is a simple JSON file containing 4 keys:

Below is a sample:

{ "gh_username": "GHBot", "gh_password": "REDACTED",
  "image_repo" : "GHBot/IssueImages", "image_repo_path": "IssueImages/" }


Contains 1 variable, $repository, which is an array.

$repository[0] is the owner of the repository, and $repository[1] is the name of the repository.


Inside the main PHP file, ther are many more in-depth configuration options. These should be condensed into a separate file, but, here we are.

On line 3, the DEBUG constant is set. Currently, this is only used for more in-depth error reporting.

Inside the Bot class, there are many options:

Any other blocks of text can be modified with a basic find command.

Additional files:


What to wrap the body section of the HTML in - top section. Must contain <html> and <body> tags. Should also include correct references to your project's JS and CSS.


What to wrap the body section of the HTML in - bottom section. Must contain </body> and </html> tags.


Contains the javascript to prepend to statically analyzed JS. Should contain your project, and dependencies (jQuery, react, etc). Additionally, can contain jshint magic comments to enable and disable warnings.


In order to install this bot, you must use a Linux based or Unix based system. It may work on Windows, however additional modifications may be required.



  1. Install the above dependencies
    • use composer install for composer dependencies
  2. Clone the GitHub repository for screenshots
  3. Properly fill out the configuration files to suit your bot
  4. Run ./ in a terminal
  5. Done!

The bot will log to logs/bot.log, and output to the terminal.

Main Thread

The main thread of the bot checks, by default, every 10 seconds if there are any newly opened issues. If so, it iterates through them, extracts code snippets, analyzes them per the above information, and replies/labels the issue. This is the highest priority thread and has the shortest sleep time.

It can be run manually with the argument main or by creating an instance of Bot with Bot::MAIN as the second argument for the constructor.

PR Thread

The PR thread of the bot checks, by default, every 100 seconds if there are any issues with PR numbers commented on them. It does this by iterating over each issue's comments and checks for numbers with regex. This is the lowest priority thread and has the longest sleep time.

It can be run manually with the argument pr or by creating an instance of Bot with Bot::HAS_PR as the second argument to the constructor.

Reanalyzation Thread

The reanalyzation thread of the bot checks, by default, every 60 seconds if there are any issues where the owner wishes to reanalyze the code. If so, it analyzes the code per the above checks. It does this by iterating over each issue's comments.

It can be run manually with the argument reanalyze or by creating an instance of Bot with Bot::REANALYZE as the second argument to the constructor.

Autoclose Thread

The autoclose thread of the bot checks, by default, once an hour for inactive issues. If it finds one which has not been updated in a configurable time, then it will close it.

It can be run manually with the argument autoclose or by creating an instance of Bot with Bot::AUTOCLOSE as the second argument for the constructor.


The PlatformCheck abstract class has many extensions and is easy to add additional functionality.


Below are some issues which demonstrate the bot's usefulness:

Dependency Overview

Here is what each dependency is used for:

Method and class description

Bot class

Initialization functions

Data reloading functions

Issue array wrapper functions

Core run functions

Issue analysis functions

Issue analysis wrapper functions

Issue reanalysis functions

Issue reanalysis wrapper functions

Issue autoclose functions

Issue autoclose wrapper functions

Generic functions

Static analysis functions

Static analysis wrapper functions

Selenium core functions

Selenium wrapper functions

Selenium processing funtions

Issue code processing functions

Issue description analysis functions

Issue label functions

Issue PR label wrapper functions

Other issue analysis functions

Maintenance functions

Deconstruction functions

PlatformCheck extensions

Create these with the format (string $explaination, string ...$checks) unless otherwise specified

Asynchronous running and start script

The contents of allow for the asynchronous running of all threads independently:

Additionally, it logs to logs/bot.log and will restart automatically on error.

echo "" > logs/bot.log

brew services start selenium-server-standalone >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 || brew services restart selenium-server-standalone >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 

php Bot.php main >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 &
sleep 2
php Bot.php pr >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 &
sleep 2
php Bot.php reanalyze >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 &
sleep 2
php Bot.php inactive >> logs/bot.log 2>&1 &

trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
    kill -2 -$PGID
    brew services restart selenium-server-standalone >> logs/bot.log 2>&1
    exit 130

tail -f logs/bot.log

This script is designed to easily start the bot. Looking at it line by line:

:1 - echo "" > logs/bot.log - empty the log file
:3 - brew services... - using homebrew, start or restart the selenium server. This needs to be adapted for non-macOS environments
:5-11 - start the bot's threads in order, all asynchronous, and all logging to logs/bot.log, with 2s delay between each
:13 - trap ctrl_c INT - trap ^C and run the ctrl_c function
:15 - function ctrl_c() { define ctrl_c function
:16 - kill -2 -$PGID - kill the php scripts with ^C
:17 - brew services restart... - restart selenium (close any straggling browsers left from the bot)
:18 - exit 130 - exit with ^C exit code
:21 - tail -f logs/bot.log - output log infinitely until ^C


Any repository is welcome to use this bot, I just ask that you let me know so I know how it's being used.
If you really need to, you can remove the string that says it was made by me. The string is under Bot::BOT_ISSUE_FOOTER.

Also, I couldn't have made this without the help of those in the materialize-devs chatroom, specifically @NonameSLdev, @fega, @tomscholz, and more.

All the projects in the dependency overview were also invaluable in the development of this bot, they did a lot of the heavy lifting.