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Trusted Knowledge Extraction for Maintenance and Manufacturing Intelligence
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Trusted Knowledge Extraction for Operations and Maintenance Intelligence

University of Notre Dame | Center for Research Computing | NSWC Crane Trusted AI

Paper's Authors

Kate Mealey ORCID Jonathan Karr ORCID Priscila Saboia Moreira ORCID Paul Brenner ORCID Charles Vardeman II ORCID

Dataset's Authors

Kate Mealey ORCID Jonathan Karr ORCID Priscila Saboia Moreira ORCID Danny Finch ORCID Alyssa Riter ORCID Paul Brenner ORCID Charles Vardeman II ORCID

Dataset DOI

Table of Contents

  1. Operations and Maintenance Intelligence (OMIn) Dataset

  2. Evaluation of the NLP tools over the OMIn Dataset

  3. Knowledge extraction tools

FAA Example

Operations and Maintenance Intelligence (OMIn) Dataset

We present the Operations and Maintenance Intelligence (OMIn) Dataset, based on raw FAA Accident/Incident data. OMIn is curated for KE in operations and maintenance, featuring textual descriptions of maintenance incidents characterized by mentions of aircraft systems and domain-specific shorthand. We release the gold standards prepared for NER, CR, and NEL as part of OMIn. This baseline expands the portfolio in the operation and maintenance domains, since it offers records on a variety of subject matters, long enough to provide context and valuable information for extraction. OMIn is the first open-source dataset curated for KE in the operation and maintenance domains. It also contains structured data, such as details of the aircraft, failure codes, and dates. The structured data can be used in future work alongside the natural language text to develop an integrated and mutually validating KE approach. While OMIn is currently based on aviation maintenance incident data, this data has qualities common to many sets of records or logs in the operation and maintenance domains, making it a valuable baseline. By publicizing this dataset, we offer it to the community in the maintenance and manufacturing domain and invite collaboration toward a robust, open-source KE dataset for the domain.

Key Features:

By publicizing this dataset, we aim to provide a resource for the maintenance and manufacturing community and encourage collaboration toward a robust, open-source KE dataset for this domain.

How to Access

You can download the OMIn dataset directly from this repository or access it through Zenodo, where it has been assigned a DOI for reference in academic publications.

How to Cite

author = {Mealey, Kathleen and Karr, Jonathan and Saboia Moreira, Priscila and Finch, Danny and Riter, Alyssa and Brenner, Paul and Vardeman II, Charles},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.13333825},
month = aug,
title = {{Operations and Maintenance Intelligence (OMIn) Dataset}},
url = {https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.13333824},
year = {2024}

Knowledge extraction tools

The survey of knowledge extraction tools for maintenance data includes tools for Named Entity Recognition (NER), Coreference Resolution (CR), Named Entity Linking (NEL), and Relation Extraction (RE). It provides an overview of each tool's methodology, base model, and relation set, where applicable.

The survey also includes a comparison of the tools' outputs with the Gold Standard Data, a subset of the Complete Set of FAA data created to evaluate the tools' correctness regarding NER, CR, and NEL tasks. There are two types of correctness evaluations: quantitative and qualitative.

KE tools at a glance:

Named Entity Recognition (NER) Coreference Resolution (CR) Named Entity Linking (NEL) Relation Extraction (RE)
spaCy EntityRecognizer ASP BLINK REBEL
flair NER coref_mt5 spaCy EntityLinker UniRel
stanza NERProcessor s2e-coref GENRE DeepStruct
nltk ne_chunk neuralcoref ReFinED PL-Marker (SciERC)

In the following sections, we provide a detailed explanation of the tools for each NLP task.

Named Entity Recognition (NER) Tools

For each NER tool, we provide a list of the entity types it recognizes and indicate whether this tool is utilized in an NER subtask by other Coreference Resolution (CR), Named Entity Linking (NEL), or Relation Extraction (RE) tools.

The label sets used by our NER tools are detailed below:

Entity Types Tools Utilizing this Label Set
OntoNotes Cardinal, Date, Event, Facility (FAC), Geo-Political Entity (GPE), Language, Law, Location (LOC), Money, Nationalities, Religious or Political Groups (NORP), Ordinal, Organization (ORG), Percent, Person, Product, Quantity, Time, Work of Art spaCy, stanza, flair
CoNLL-03 Person, Organization, Location, Miscellaneous Names stanza, flair
ACE-Phase-1 Person, Organization, Location, Facility, Geo-Political Entity (GPE), Geographical-Social-Political Entity (GSP) NLTK
ACE-2005 Person, Organization, Location, Facility, Geo-Political Entity (GPE), Vehicle (VEH), Weapon (WEA) PL-Marker NER*

* see RE for PL-Marker

[spaCy EntityRecognizer]

Setup and general analysis Documentation

EntityRecognizer identifies non-overlapping labeled spans of tokens using a transition-based algorithm. EntityRecognizer recognizes the 18 entity types in OntoNotes.

Model: en_core_web_sm, en_core_web_lg, and other spaCy models

Used by: Our implementation of CoNLL-2012 format processing

[flair NER]

Setup and general analysis Documentation GitHub

Flair ships several models which can be used for NER (or "tagging"), including their standard model, which recognizes 4 entity types and was trained for the CoNLL-03 task. They use transformer models, which they develop, and publish on Huggingface.

Model: flair/ner-english, flair/ner-english-ontonotes. Others available on HuggingFace

Used by: BLINK

[stanza NERProcessor]

Setup and general analysis Documentation GitHub

Stanza NERProcessor recognizes spans of mentions belonging to the 18 entity types found in the OntoNotes NER task.

Models: Default model is ontonotes-ww-multi_charlm, see HuggingFace for other options. Model training is described in t\

Not used by any other tools in the pipeline.

[NLTK ne_chunk]

Setup and general analysis Documentation GitHub

NLTK ne_chunk takes in a list of POS-tagged tokens as input and creates a parse tree where named entities and their labels are stored as subtrees. It recognizes the 6 entity types found in Phase 1 of the ACE project.

Not used by any other tools in the pipeline.

Coreference Resolution (CR) tools

[ASP: Autoregressive Structured Prediction with Language Models]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

The Autoregressive Structured Prediction (ASP) framework utilizes a conditional language model trained over structure-building actions, as opposed to strings, allowing the model to capture intra-structure dependencies more effectively and build pieces of the target structure step by step. It focuses on tasks such as named entity recognition, end-to-end relation extraction, and coreference resolution.

Base Model: T5

[coref_mt5: Coreference Resolution through a seq2seq Transition-Based System]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

coref_mt5's methodology for coreference resolution uses a seq2seq approach, where a single sentence, along with prior context, is encoded as a string and fed into a model to predict coreference links. The system utilizes a transition-based approach, particularly the Link-Append system, which encodes prior coreference decisions in the input to the seq2seq model and predicts new coreference links as its output.

Base Model: mT5

[s2e-coref: Start-To-End Coreference Resolution]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

The s2e coreference resolution model introduces a lightweight approach that avoids constructing span representations. Instead, it uses the boundaries of spans to computes mention and antecedent scores, through a series of bilinear functions over their contextualized representations.

Base Model: longformer-large


Setup and general analysis Blog Post GitHub

Neuralcoref's methodology for coreference resolution uses the spaCy parser for mention-detection, and ranks possible mention-coreference pairs using a feedforward neural network developed by Clark and Manning, Stanford University (https://cs.stanford.edu/people/kevclark/resources/clark-manning-emnlp2016-deep.pdf).

Base Model: en_core_web_sm, en_core_web_lg, and other spaCy models

Named Entity Linking (NEL) Tools

[BLINK: Scalable Zero-shot Entity Linking with Dense Entity Retrieval]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

BLINK introduces a two-stage zero-shot entity linking algorithm, utilizing a bi-encoder for dense entity retrieval and a cross-encoder for re-ranking. The bi-encoder independently embeds the mention context and entity descriptions in a dense space, while the cross-encoder concatenates the mention and entity text for more precise ranking. This approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on recent zero-shot benchmarks and traditional non-zero-shot evaluations, showcasing its effectiveness without the need for explicit entity embeddings or manually engineered mention tables.

Uses Flair for NER: https://github.com/flairNLP/flair \ Base Model: BERT

[spaCy EntityLinker]

Setup and general analysis Documentation

spaCy EntityLinker is spaCy's NEL pipeline component. It uses the InMemoryLookupKB knowledge base to match mentions with external entities. InMemoryLookupKB contains Candidate components which store basic information about their entities, like frequency in text and possible aliases.

Model: en_core_web_sm, en_core_web_lg, and other spaCy models

[GENRE: Generative ENtity REtrieval]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

GENRE utilizes a sequence-to-sequence model to autoregressively generate textual entity identifiers. This approach allows GENRE to directly capture the relations between context and entity names, effectively cross-encoding both, and to efficiently compute the exact softmax for each output token without the need for negative data downsampling. Additionally, GENRE employs a constrained decoding strategy that forces each generated name to be in a predefined candidate set, ensuring that the generated output is a valid entity name.

Base Model: BART

[ReFinED: Representation and Fine-grained typing for Entity Disambiguation]

Setup and general analysis Papers Papers GitHub

ReFinED is an efficient end-to-end entity linking model that utilizes fine-grained entity types and entity descriptions to perform mention detection, fine-grained entity typing, and entity disambiguation in a single forward pass. It targets a large catalog of entities, including zero-shot entities, and is capable of generalizing to large-scale knowledge bases such as Wikidata.

Base Model: RoBERTa.

Models: wikipedia_model, wikipedia_model_with_numbers, aida_model

Relation Extraction (RE) Tools

[REBEL: Relation Extraction By End-to-end Language Generation]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

REBEL's methodology for relation extraction involves utilizing an autoregressive seq2seq model based on BART to express relation triplets as a sequence of text, simplifying the task of extracting triplets of relations between entities from raw text. This approach allows REBEL to perform end-to-end relation extraction for over 200 different relation types, and its flexibility enables it to adapt to new domains and datasets with minimal training time. Additionally, REBEL introduces a novel triplet linearization approach using special tokens, enabling the model to output relations in the form of triplets while minimizing the number of tokens that need to be decoded.

Base Model: BART-large

Relation set: Subset of 220 relations from Wikidata properties, found here: https://github.com/Babelscape/rebel/blob/main/data/relations_count.tsv

[UniRel: Unified Representation and Interaction for Joint Relational Triple Extraction]

Setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

UniRel's methodology for relation extraction involves unifying the representations of entities and relations by jointly encoding them within a concatenated natural language sequence. This approach fully exploits the contextualized correlations between entities and relations and leverages the semantic knowledge learned from pre-training. Additionally, UniRel proposes unified interactions to capture the interdependencies between entity-entity interactions and entity-relation interactions, achieved through the proposed Interaction Map built upon the off-the-shelf self-attention mechanism within any Transformer block.

Base Model: bert-base-cased

Relation set: 25 relations from the NYT dataset, found here: https://github.com/wtangdev/UniRel/blob/main/dataprocess/rel2text.py#L30

['/business/company/advisors','/business/company/founders','/business/company/industry','/business/company/major_shareholders','/business/company/place_founded','business/company_shareholder/major_shareholder_of','/business/person/company','/location/administrative_division/country','/location/country/administrative_divisions','location/country/capital','/location/location/contains', '/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of','/people/deceased_person/place_of_death','/people/ethnicity/geographic_distribution','/people/ethnicity/people','/people/person/children','/people/person/ethnicity','/people/person/nationality','/people/person/place_lived','/people/person/place_of_birth','/people/person/profession','/people/person/religion','/sports/sports_team/location','/sports/sports_team_location/teams']


setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

DEEPSTRUCT's methodology for relation extraction involves a sequence-to-sequence extraction approach using augmented natural languages. It formulates the task as two unit tasks: entity prediction to generate entities and relation prediction to generate relations, with a focus on generating triples for a wide set of structure prediction tasks in an end-to-end fashion. This approach decomposes structure prediction tasks into a collection of triple generation tasks, providing a unified representation for various structure prediction tasks without the need for introducing new data augmentation.

Base Model: GLM

Dataset Relation Set
CoNLL 04 ['Work-For', 'Kill', 'Organization-Based-In', 'Live-In', 'Located-In']
ADE ['Adverse-Effect']
NYT ['/business/company/advisors','/business/company/founders','/business/company/industry','/business/company/major_shareholders','/business/company/place_founded','business/company_shareholder/major_shareholder_of','/business/person/company','/location/administrative_division/country','/location/country/administrative_divisions','location/country/capital','/location/location/contains', '/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of','/people/deceased_person/place_of_death','/people/ethnicity/geographic_distribution','/people/ethnicity/people','/people/person/children','/people/person/ethnicity','/people/person/nationality','/people/person/place_lived','/people/person/place_of_birth','/people/person/profession','/people/person/religion','/sports/sports_team/location','/sports/sports_team_location/teams']

[PL-Marker: Packed Levitated Marker for Entity and Relation Extraction]

setup and general analysis Paper GitHub

PL-Marker is a method for entity and relation extraction. The key innovation is the strategic use of levitated markers in the encoding phase to model the interrelation between spans and span pairs. Levitated markers are pairs of markers associated with a span, sharing the same position embedding with the start and end tokens of the corresponding span. They are used to classify multiple pairs of entities simultaneously and accelerate the inference process. The document also introduces neighborhood-oriented and subject-oriented packing strategies to consider the interrelation between spans and span pairs, enhancing the modeling of entity boundary information and the interrelation between same-subject span pairs.

PL-Marker uses different models for each dataset among ACE 2004, ACE2005, and SciERC:

Dataset Base Model Relation Set
ACE04 albert-xxlarge-v1 or bert-base-uncased ['PER-SOC', 'OTHER-AFF', 'ART', 'GPE-AFF', 'EMP-ORG', 'PHYS']
ACE05 albert-xxlarge-v1 or bert-base-uncased ['PER-SOC', 'ART', 'ORG-AFF', 'GEN-AFF', 'PHYS', 'PART-WHOLE']

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