nearform / cloudwatchlogs-stream

Stream interfacet to CloudWatch Logs
MIT License
11 stars 2 forks source link

Stream interface to CloudWatch Logs

Nice streaming interface to CloudWatch Logs. Can be used from code or as a standalone Agent.


npm install cloudwatchlogs-stream --save

Or to install globally as an Agent:

npm install -g cloudwatchlogs-stream --save
cloudwatchlogs -h


See cloudwatchlogs --help.

Example code:

var opts = {
  'accessKeyId': 'ACCESS_KEY',
  'secretAccessKey': 'SECRET_KEY',
  'region': 'REGION',
  'logGroupName': 'GROUP_NAME',
  'logStreamName': 'STREAM_NAME',
  'bulkIndex': 10,
  'timeout': 20  // seconds
var stream = new CloudWatchLogsStream(opts);

Example command line:

tail -f my.log | cloudwatchlogs -a ACCESSKEY -s SECRET_KEY -r REGION -g GROUP_NAME -t STREAM_NAME -b 20 -o 20