nebriv / VTOLVR-TacviewLogger

A VTOL VR Mod to export data readable by Tacview
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VTOL VR Tacview Data Logger Mod


Hello and welcome to the VTOL VR Tacview Data Logger mod!

It's been long time in the making and a fairly significant undertaking for me. The Tacview data log allows players to record their flights in real time and save all enemy, allied and player vehicle flight data. The data log (in ACMI format) can then be opened within the Tacview software for review, tactical analysis and determination as to why exactly the carrier did not clear you to land!

Just a couple of notes to start off with. I'm not a game developer and I don't work in C#, so I may have taken some shortcuts. I'm well aware this mod is not as well optimized as it could and should be. On large maps with numerous actors this mod could introduce significant lag as it loops through and collects all the necessary data. Future iterations will be able to handle this a bit better.


Example flight (2v2) on Akutan

Example flight

Highlighting the various Tacview models

Showing off the various models

Fox 2! Showing off the flares and missile tracking

Fox 2!

Even supports bombing runs!


Rolling scissors with an ASF-33.

Rolling Scissors

So thats why I wasn't cleared for a conventional landing...



To use the mod simply install the mod, launch the game, and enable the mod. At the time of writing it is important that you enable the mod every time you start the game. Once you begin a flight scene the data logger will automatically begin recording, as of now there is no positive indication of the recording in flight.


Downloading and Installing

This mod will be available for download on I would recommend using the One-Click Install function to automatically download the mod.

Alternatively you can download the latest release here:

If you are manually installing you need to place the downloaded zip file in your VTOL VR Game folder inside the VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\ directory. The Mod Loader should automatically detect and unzip it for you once launched.


To use the mod simply launch the game via the Mod Loader (open the Mod Loader and press play). Once in game, after you click start you should see a "Mods" button. Open the mods page, select the Tacview Data Logger and click load. You should be good to go! At the start of the first few missions (and on those of particular importance) I would recommend browsing to the TacViewDataLogs folder within the VTOL VR game folder, and making sure you see a new folder with today's date and time, in that folder should be the three files described below.

Data Structure

All flight recordings are stored in the VTOL VR Game Folder under TacViewDataLogs. Within this folder multiple folders with the datetime stamp of the flight will be created. Within this flight folder three files should be created.

Logged Parameters

All active actors (vehicles and projectiles) within a scene are logged. The following parameters are generally all logged. Some ground and water vehicles may not contain all applicable data.


VTOL VR models can be added to Tacview via the following steps:

  1. Copy the vtolvr.xml file to C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Database\Default Properties
  2. Copy all the .obj files from the assets folder into C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Meshes

All VTOL VR models are property of Boundless Dynamics, LLC. except the F-45 and F/A-26 Models created by F/A-26B on the VTOL VR Discord Channel.

Height Maps/Terrain

Height maps are generally generated and exported at the start of every mission. They will be located in the mission's datalog folder. You should see customHeightMapXML.txt and To use this heightmap in Tacview follow the below steps.

  1. If you haven't done so, copy the CustomHeightmapList.xml file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Tacview (beta)\Data\Terrain\Custom into C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom.
  2. Copy the .data file to C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom.
  3. Copy the contents of the customHeightMapXML.txt file (Except for <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>) into the new CustomHeightmapList.xml (C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom\CustomHeightmapList.xml) between the <CustomHeightmapList> nodes. Any XML parsing errors in this file will cause Tacview to not properly load the terrain.

Reporting Bugs

If you wish to report any bugs you can do so by creating a new Issue in this Github repository or you can contact me on the VTOL VR modding discord (@nebriv0001). When reporting bugs please include as much detail as possible including steps to reproduce. If possible please include your player.log file as well as your TacviewDataLogger data for the mission(s) in question.

Known Issues

Planned Features

Contributors/Resources/Special Thanks